RFPA Annual Meeting 2023

RFPA Annual Meeting 2023

Have you ever wondered why the Reformed Free Publishing Association is the RFPA, and not just the RFP?

Our nonprofit has long published "Reformed" literature and authors, we're "Free" because we operate without a denominational affiliation, and "Publishing" is self-explanatory, but why are we an Association?

Book Review - Say Among the Heathen the Lord Reigns

Book Review - Say Among the Heathen the Lord Reigns

The following review was written by seminarian Matt Koerner on Say Among the Heathen the Lord Reigns:...

March 15, 2020 Standard Bearer preview article

The covenant of God and our mission to the world

The covenant of God.

Our mission to the world.

How often have we thought about these highly sig­nificant biblical concepts together? How often, when discussing one, have we been led to discuss the other? How deeply has our thinking penetrated into the glorious realities and urgent callings that lie at the inter­section of these truths? It is the humble opinion of this writer that there is room for growth in our understand­ing of the relation between these marvelous truths of Scripture. The burden of this and subsequent articles will be an attempt to develop the relation between them as it is set forth in the Word of God.

December 15, 2019 Standard Bearer preview article

Protestant Reformed Missions: The War Years

Mission Work Flounders (1940-1946): 5

There are various legitimate means evangelism committees and mission committees use to spread the gospel. One such means already faithfully used by the PRC Mission Committee was that of the printed page. During the years that war was being waged in Europe and the south Pacific, various churches, especially First PRC in Grand Rapids, published pamphlets addressing diverse doctrinal and practical issues—many of them written by Rev. Herman Hoeksema.