God's Providence and Sin

God's Providence and Sin

The subject of God's providence and sin places us before an unfathomable mystery. This we readily concede and confess. And we have no intention of comprehending and understanding this mystery. On the one hand, man is a free responsible being. He performs iniquity because he loves it. He is unmolested in his sinning, is never forced or coerced. Besides, he never wills or desires anything else than sin, does not rest until and unless he commits evil, is a slave of iniquity, but always a very willing slave. He is always free, only however in this moral sense of the word. He is never sovereignly free. On the other hand, God is the living God. He alone is God. We cannot afford to lose this truth. If we lose this truth we lose God. And, losing God, we lose all. 
The Charge of Antinomianism (4): Hyper-Calvinism?

The Charge of Antinomianism (4): Hyper-Calvinism?

Antinomianism is a real heresy that denies the necessity of good works in the life...

Election GOVERNS Sanctification and...the Covenant?

Christopher Gordon believes that the “sanctification debate” within Reformed circles may have become Arminian (for...

The False Charge of Hyper-Calvinism

Earlier this week I received notice that Phil Johnson (known for his popular website devoted...

Hyper-Calvinist! (2)

by: Rev. Martyn McGeown (published in the British Reformed Journal)  *** Read the first article...

Hyper-Calvinist! (1)

Editorial: Hyper-Calvinist! (1) by: Rev. Martyn McGeown (published in the British Reformed Journal) Introduction Recently,...