The Communion of Saints (1): How Precious!

The Communion of Saints (1): How Precious!

The word translated “communion” in the New Testament appears around twenty times and is often rendered “fellowship.” Its basic meaning is sharing or participation in something or with someone. If, then, there is communion or fellowship between persons, they have something in common, something that unites them and makes them one, something that brings them together.
Lifting Up Drooping Hands

Lifting Up Drooping Hands

Many Christians view chastisement only as painful consequences for specific sins. But chastisement is wider than that. Chastisement is any suffering inflicted by God in love upon his children to teach and to correct them. Even Jesus, God’s perfect Son, was chastised, although not corrected: “he learned obedience by the things which he suffered” (Heb. 5:8). Many of the circumstances of our personal lives, our ecclesiastical lives, and the events in our nation and in the world are sent upon us as chastisement (and upon the wicked world as judgment), not necessarily because we have sinned in some particular way (although we ought not too quickly rule it out), but in order to teach us.
Quiz Your Knowledge of the Canons of Dordt (1)

Quiz Your Knowledge of the Canons of Dordt (1)

The RFPA blog editor, Rev. Martyn McGeown enjoys teaching the creeds in his capacity as pastor of Providence PRC. To that end, he has written a series of quizzes for our blog readers, to test readers' knowledge of the Canons of Dordt. Try them out, test yourselves and your friends and family, and may the questions spur you on to familiarize yourselves with the confessions. (Head One, Questions 1 to 25)