The Amazing Cross: a short book of Lenten meditations

The Amazing Cross: a short book of Lenten meditations

“Hoeksema unfolds the sovereign workings of the triune God through his Son and by his Spirit before and at the cross of Calvary, in judgment and in salvation.”—Charles Terpstra in the foreword to the second edition.

All of salvation depends on the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. In this Lenten season take up and read this devotional on God’s amazing judgment and Christ’s amazing obedience.

Afraid of the Gospel (1)

Afraid of the Gospel (1)

Oh, no!

How could one ever be afraid of the gospel?

Why should we ever be afraid of it?

Even Webster tells us that the word gospel means good news, glad tidings.


Remember Me!

Remember Me!

“And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.” Luke 23:42

Everyone mocked the Christ when he hung on the cross.

The people stood beholding.

The rulers derided him, but also with them, that is, the people.

The soldiers mocked him.

Even the written word meant to deride him. The superscription on the cross was meant as a taunt of the ruler, the governor: This is the King of the Jews! Imagine: a King on a cross??!!

Yes, and even a man who was in the same judg­ment with Jesus mocked him, saying, If thou be the Christ, save thyself and us!

Everyone derided and mocked Jesus.

But wait! There is one solitary exception: the other murderer.

He turns his tortured body toward the other mur­derer and after chiding him for mocking Jesus, he turns to Jesus and says: Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom!

Marvel of marvels!

There is one in the whole universe that believes in the crucified one!

And he is a murderer.

The Dying Christ

“Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. And,...

Victorious in Defeat

Did ever man appear so hopelessly lost, so completely put to naught, so utterly defeated...