Books about the last days

Books about the last days

The beginning of sorrows

We live in troubled times. But the church is not troubled. Christ teaches us that disease and pandemic are signs of his blessed return!

Books about the last days

In Called to Watch for Christ's Return learn about the signs Christ gave his disciples of his coming and what it means to be ready for his return. This commentary is an exposition of Jesus’ teachings to his disciples in Matthew 24 and 25.

Behold, He Cometh!: If you are daunted by the symbolism in the book of Revelation, read this commentary. It is clear and understandable, and you will be comforted by this truth—though the world may seem to be out of control, our God is sovereign and he controls all things.

A Review from the Past

*This review by William Hendricksen was published in the September 5, 1969 edition of The Banner.

BEHOLD, HE COMETH! by Herman Hoeksema (author) and Homer C. Hoeksema (editor and reviser), Published by Reformed Publishing Association, 1969; distributed by Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503. Price: $9.95.

Truly a formidable volume with no less than seven hundred twenty-six pages, it was the last large work written by the pastor of the First Protestant Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, and has been published posthumously. The preparation for publication in book form was begun by the author and completed by his son, who not only did a splendid job of editing but also revised and expanded the exposition of Revelation 19–22.

What is the nature of this book? It is not merely a book of outlines. Neither is it a dry-as-dust exegesis without practical application. It is something far better. It is an exposition in the form of sermons or essays. In serial form the exposition appeared first in The Standard Bearer, of which Rev. Herman Hoeksema was the editor for many years. The author also twice expounded the book of Revelation in sermons. With respect to these his son writes as follows:

His sermons, of which there were two complete sets, totaling well over a hundred…were delivered with a warmth and fervor which kept a large congregation at spellbound attention Sunday after Sunday.

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Behold, He Cometh! now in its sixth printing

Behold, He Cometh! now in its sixth printing

Behold, He Cometh! has recently been reprinted (with a new updated interior design) making this its sixth printing! First published in 1969, the RFPA has now printed 10,500 copies of this title. 

Also now available in ebook format for the first time!