Book Review - Here We Stand

Book Review - Here We Stand

The following review was written by Kevin Huizinga on the book Here We Stand: 500th Anniversary of the Reformation by various authors, edited by Prof. Ron Cammenga (Jenison, MI: Reformed Free Publishing, 2018). This review was originally published in the October 2023 issue of The Grandville Gleaner.

"Here We Stand," a variation on Martin Luther's powerful concluding statement from his speech at the Diet of Worms, is an appropriate title for this book and theme for the event it summarizes. In October of 2017, a conference was held to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the great Reformation. Spread over two days, it included six different speeches which were then adapted by the speakers into written form. Each section highlights a different aspect of one of the most significant events of Christ's church on this earth.

Letters from Katie Luther preview - Chapter 18: The Plague

Letters from Katie Luther preview - Chapter 18: The Plague


August 10, 1527

Dear Ave,

The Black Plague has come to Wittenberg. The professors and students have moved the university to Jena, hoping they would not become ill there. Sir Doctor said he must stay so he will be here for the people who need him. “A shepherd,” he said, “may not leave his flock.” I told him if he stays, so will I, but I did not tell him how frightened I am. What of the baby I carry? What if we become sick and die? And who would take care of our little Hans? I must put my trust in God and live one day at a time. People are terrified. They run from each other and abandon even family members.

Coming soon: Letters from Katie Luther—preorder today!

Coming soon: Letters from Katie Luther—preorder today!

The story of Katherine Luther, told through her letters and the memories of her best friend, Ave.

As the wife of Martin Luther and mother to six children, Katie learns that Jehovah holds the hand of the believing child of God in the trials of faith and comforts her in every affliction. 

Retail: $14.95  |  Book club: $12.71

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A Reformation Day reading recommendation

A Reformation Day reading recommendation

Here We Stand consists of a series of essays commemorating the five hundredth anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. The Reformation changed the entire landscape of Europe, even from a political, social, and economic point of view. But more than that, the Reformation was a religious event that changed conditions in the church institute for the good of the church universal—something we can give thanks for even five hundred years later.

July Standard Bearer preview article


The Lord’s Supper in the dialogue of worship was not always understood the scriptural way we have described it in these articles. In our previous article we examined how Rome views the Lord’s Supper in worship. In this article we want to understand how and why the Reformation was used of God to restore the church to a proper understanding of the Lord’s Supper in worship.

Restoration of the gospel

When the Reformation returned the church to the truth of the gospel, everything changed also in worship. In God’s sovereign mercy, Martin Luther, who had access to Scripture, began to see the truth of the Word of God. Particularly, he saw that Scripture taught the once-for-all sacrifice of Christ on the cross that effectually atoned for the sins of all His people, so that they are justified by an imputed, alien righteousness alone.

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