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The Bible is the inspired, infallible, and inerrant word of God. The truth contained in the scriptures is set forth and summarized in the Three Forms of Unity: The Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, and the Canons of Dortdrecht. These three creeds are upheld by the Protestant Reformed Churches as sound, accurate interpretations of the doctrines contained in the Bible. (John 10:35, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, I Timothy 1:4)

Read more about the distinctive Reformed view of the Bible in this excerpt from the preface of The Doctrine of Scripture by Homer C. Hoeksema.

The doctrine of scripture lies at the very heart of the faith of the church of Jesus Christ. All the faith of the saints stand or falls with an answer to the question: Is the scripture God's inerrant Word? If it is, scripture comes to us with its own absolute authority and demands of us an unconditional faith. To believe the scriptures is salvation, for to believe the scriptures is to believe in the Christ of the scriptures. If it is not, whether in whole or in part, scripture can be reckoned as an interesting source of ancient belief, as a resource which can be consulted for its historical value, as a record of religions of people from past generations, as a moral guide in life of perplexing ethical questions, or any other value which one may find in it; but its authority is gone and it is incapable of making any demands upon us. And this is unbelief with its consequent judgment of Almighty God.

It is a sad fact that within the last half century or so, the absolute authority of scripture has been lost. Higher criticism has made its destructive inroads into almost the whole ecclesiastical world. Wherever one turns, one is hard pressed to find a solid defense of scripture's authority in all matters of faith and life. Although, this latter principle was, without doubt, the fundamental principle of the Protestant Reformation, it is a principle that has lost its value and force in the church as one by one seminaries and denominations make their concessions to the "sure discoveries of Biblical scholarship."

Even churches where the truth of the authority of scripture is still maintained have been hard-pressed to defend vigorously and convincingly the great truth which undergirds scripture's authority; the absolute inerrancy of the Word of God. Arminiamism has taken its toll also of this doctrine, and a convincing demonstration of the truth of the infallible inspiration of scripture is scarcely to be found...

There is a Reformed doctrine of holy scripture. It is the doctrine of the church of all ages. It was the great truth of the Reformation and it remained an integral part of the confession of those churches who have been faithful to the Reformation through all the years of the history of the church. But it has always been expounded in all its implications.

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