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Through Many Dangers (eBook) Through Many Dangers (eBook)

Level Member Price $2.99


  Click to read an excerpt!

August 1862. Eighteen-year-old Harm van Wyke finds his quiet life in the Dutch Reformed community of Holland, Michigan, upended by the American Civil War. When it becomes clear the war will not be as easily won as once believed, President Lincoln calls for 300,000 volunteers to defend the Union. Harm’s minister, Rev. Albertus van Raalte, encourages the young men of his community to join the cause. Harm’s father bitterly opposes the idea. Harm hesitates to leave his home, but when his friends portray the war as a grand adventure, he gives in and joins them. Together, some eighty boys and young men from Holland join the 25th Michigan Volunteer Infantry Regiment.

As Harm and his friends travel to army camps in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and then Louisville, Kentucky, they face daily temptations to forget God and turn from their faith. Fellow soldiers think nothing of taking the Lord’s name in vain. They gamble, drink, and “forage” from neighboring homes and farms. Harm and his friends gather regularly to sing the old psalms and discuss the Bible, but still, on occasion, they stumble and fall.

As the war progresses, the boys from Holland battle Confederate General John Hunt Morgan in Western Kentucky, and endure an arduous march to Eastern Tennessee where they join the fighting around Knoxville. Later, they take part in General Sherman’s prolonged and bloody Atlanta campaign. Along the way, Harm and his friends face the harsh realities of war—exposure, disease, injury, and death. In the midst of such hardship, Harm’s faith is tried at every turn. His greatest conflict turns out to be spiritual. Will God give Harm the strength to stand for what is right, even if he finds himself opposed by friends?


Read review by Annemarieke Ryskamp (The Outlook), Ken Kolk (retired professor of history), and John Van Dyk (Christian Renewal)


P.M. Kuiper is a member of the Protestant Reformed Churches. In his free time he enjoys wandering the great outdoors, writing, reading good literature, and playing guitar. He resides in West Michigan. Learn more about the author from an interview Kuiper did with Beacon Lights here.

Paula Barone is a wife and mother and a member of the Protestant Reformed Churches. She is a former academic support teacher and enjoys drawing, reading, and indoor rock-climbing. She also lives in Western Michigan.


  • 408 pages 
  • ebook
  • Release date: 2021


Softcover version available


Once a year, every year, the RFPA coordinates the binding and selling of the past year's full volume of Standard Bearer articles. Today, order the most recent bound volume, Volume 100, for $63.00. Act fast: only 7 left in stock!

If you would like your own SB issues bound, please contact the RFPA office at (616) 457-5970 or via for more details.


Looking for individual, unbound issues? Find that inventory here.

Looking for older bound volumes? Find that inventory here.


Your contributions make it possible for us to reach Christians in more markets and more lands around the world than ever before.
$50 Gift Certificate

Level Member Price $50.00


This certificate may be used for any RFPA product, including a Standard Bearer or Ignited by the Word subscription.

These certificates make wonderful gifts for all occasions and are redeemable by mail, in person, and by email. Note: The amount on the purchased certificate will be automatically credited to your (or a recipient's) account. If you would like a paper or digital copy of your certificate, please let us know where to mail or email the certificate in the "customer notes" section at checkout. 

When submitting your order, please note who the certificate is for, so that we can credit the recipient's account accordingly. 


Have you ever visited the RFPA archives, located on the 2nd floor of the RFPA warehouse? If not, now's your chance!

Throughout the last 100 years of SB production, the RFPA has saved up a large number of old issues for archival purposes. Now, these issues are being made available to you for 10 cents per copy (+ shipping, for those customers outside of West Michigan)! Limited quantities of various issues (listed by volume year below) are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please note: All issues listed below are organized by volume number.*** The list will be updated as staff time allows. Membership discounts and free member shipping do not apply to this offer.

***The RFPA staff DO NOT KNOW which individual issues of each volume are in stock, nor do they know how many of each individual issue are available.


Customers in West Michigan: We ask that customers with a local address please visit the RFPA office during business hours (9 AM–4 PM EST) to sort through the archived volumes themselves. If you cannot visit during business hours, you may email the office at or "order" via this page. Before clicking "PROCEED TO CHECKOUT," use the customer notes to ask a staff member to search for specific issues for you. However, all issues are first-come, first-served, and the inventory below may not reflect current availability. Your order will be fulfilled as staff time allows, after which we will contact you about your order's total price + shipping charges.

Customers outside of West Michigan: You may email the office at or "order" via this page. Before clicking "PROCEED TO CHECKOUT," use the customer notes to ask a staff member to search for specific issues for you. However, all issues are first-come, first-served, and the inventory below may not reflect current availability. Your order will be fulfilled as staff time allows, after which we will contact you about your order's total price + shipping charges.


Available Standard Bearer individual issues (these are NOT bound volumes):

[***The RFPA staff DO NOT KNOW which individual issues of each volume are in stock, nor do they know how many of each individual issue are available.]

Volume No. # of Available Issues***
11 1
12 53
14 42
15 74
16 155
17 95
18 104
19 68
20 10
21 26
22 114
23 118
24 59
25 119
26 86
27 83
28 110
29 139
30 186
31 215
32 263
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34 285
35 266
36 255
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39 330
40 313
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45 324
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49 344
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59 310
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65 309
66 310
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88 123
89 140
90 138
91 18
92 52
93 15
94 4
95 78
96 203
97 108
98 181
99 254


The Way, the Truth, and the Life: Devotions, Book 3 (eBook) The Way, the Truth, and the Life: Devotions, Book 3 (eBook)

Level Member Price $2.99


 Click to look inside

If you live in a godly home, you have probably known from a very young age what it looks like to be a Christian.

But simply knowing about God and acting like a Christian isn’t enough. And trusting in your own ability to live a life that looks good to others is not the way to friendship and fellowship with God. The only way to the Father is Jesus. He makes the way through his death and resurrection and leads us in this way by his Spirit.

As you read through John 10–15, pray that Jesus will lead you in this way—the way of repentance, belief, and trust in him—because it is the only way to true peace and eternal life.


Click here to review or buy the first book in this series, Who is Jesus? 


What others are saying about the books in this series:

"This devotional is intended for teens, but like most good books, other ages would be blessed by reading it. I read several of the devotions aloud to all of my children at breakfast; now I’m passing it along to the teens in our home to read in its entirety. And I’m looking forward to the next three installments in the series. In my busy season of life and as Christmas approaches, I’m grateful for the opportunities this little book granted me to consider, Who is Jesus? After all, there is no other question in all the world that is more important or more urgent." – Sarah Mowery (Loveland, CO) on Who is Jesus?, book 1

"The book encourages us to walk with Christ daily and always trust in him...This devotional is a good way to remind yourself to follow Jesus and trust in him because he showed us how to be humble and loving. Whether you're a teen or an adult this is a great book to help you grow in your spiritual journey." – Sarah De Boer (Grandville, MI) on Humble Servant, book 2


Abby Van Solkema has been writing devotionals for young people since 2018. She is a graduate of Grand Valley State University and lives with her husband, Tedd, and their four children in Byron Center, Michigan. Follow Abby on Instagram @the.left.fork.


  • 103 pages
  • ISBN 978-1-959515-37-1
  • Release date: November 22, 2024


Paperback version available


Other books in the Devotions on the Gospel of John seriesCOMING SOON! Subscribe to our email list to stay informed of new teen book releases and sales!

The Way, the Truth, and the Life: Devotions on the Gospel of John for Teens, Book 3 The Way, the Truth, and the Life: Devotions on the Gospel of John for Teens, Book 3

Level Member Price $11.86


 Click to look inside

If you live in a godly home, you have probably known from a very young age what it looks like to be a Christian.

But simply knowing about God and acting like a Christian isn’t enough. And trusting in your own ability to live a life that looks good to others is not the way to friendship and fellowship with God. The only way to the Father is Jesus. He makes the way through his death and resurrection and leads us in this way by his Spirit.

As you read through John 10–15, pray that Jesus will lead you in this way—the way of repentance, belief, and trust in him—because it is the only way to true peace and eternal life.


What others are saying about the books in this series:

"This devotional is intended for teens, but like most good books, other ages would be blessed by reading it. I read several of the devotions aloud to all of my children at breakfast; now I’m passing it along to the teens in our home to read in its entirety. And I’m looking forward to the next three installments in the series. In my busy season of life and as Christmas approaches, I’m grateful for the opportunities this little book granted me to consider, Who is Jesus? After all, there is no other question in all the world that is more important or more urgent." – Sarah Mowery (Loveland, CO) on Who is Jesus?, book 1

"The book encourages us to walk with Christ daily and always trust in him...This devotional is a good way to remind yourself to follow Jesus and trust in him because he showed us how to be humble and loving. Whether you're a teen or an adult this is a great book to help you grow in your spiritual journey." Sarah De Boer (Grandville, MI) on Humble Servantbook 2

Abby Van Solkema has been writing devotionals for young people since 2018. She is a graduate of Grand Valley State University and lives with her husband, Tedd, and their four children in Byron Center, Michigan. Follow Abby on Instagram @the.left.fork.


  • 103 pages
  • paperback
  • ISBN 978-1-959515-36-4
  • Release date: November 22, 2024


eBook version available


Other books in the Devotions on the Gospel of John seriesCOMING SOON! Subscribe to our email list to stay informed of new teen book releases and sales!



  • One yearly payment of $276 or equal monthly payments plus the cost of shipping (you will be invoiced for shipping separately).
  • Choice of any eight books per year
– Automatic: The member will automatically receive all 8 new releases from the RFPA during his or her membership year.
– Customize*: The member will contact the office when they would like a new book. This includes all new releases and/or any hard copy books from the "All Books" section of the RFPA website.
  • Free eBook of any of the eight books selected (upon request)
  • Standard Bearer subscription included
  • Standard Bearer eSubscription included (upon request)
  • Ignited by the Word (children’s magazine) subscription included
  • 35% off discount on all book purchases above and beyond the eight books selected


*Please note: The Customize membership operates under a "use it or lose it" policy. If you do not contact the office with your book selections prior to the end of your membership year, any books not redeemed will not be rolled over into the next membership year.


  • One yearly payment of $276 or equal monthly payments plus the cost of shipping (you will be invoiced for shipping separately).
  • Choice of any eight books per year
– Automatic: The member will automatically receive all 8 new releases from the RFPA during his or her membership year.
– Customize*: The member will contact the office when they would like a new book. This includes all new releases and/or any hard copy books from the "All Books" section of the RFPA website.
  • Free eBook of any of the eight books selected (upon request)
  • Standard Bearer subscription included
  • Standard Bearer eSubscription included (upon request)
  • Ignited by the Word (children’s magazine) subscription included
  • 35% off discount on all book purchases above and beyond the eight books selected


*Please note: The Customize membership operates under a "use it or lose it" policy. If you do not contact the office with your book selections prior to the end of your membership year, any books not redeemed will not be rolled over into the next membership year.



  • One yearly payment of $186 or equal monthly payments plus the cost of shipping (you will be invoiced for shipping separately).
  • Choice of any four books per year
– Automatic: The member will automatically receive four new "core" releases. These are the books that the RFPA judges to be the most valuable or of most interest to its core audience.
– Customize*: The member will contact the office when they would like a new book. This includes all new releases and/or any hard copy books from the "All Books" section of the RFPA website.
    • Free eBook of any of the four books selected (upon request)
    • Standard Bearer subscription included
    • Standard Bearer eSubscription included (upon request)
    • 35% off discount on all book purchases above and beyond the four books selected

*Please note: The Customize membership operates under a "use it or lose it" policy. If you do not contact the office with your book selections prior to the end of your membership year, any books not redeemed will not be rolled over into the next membership year.



  • One yearly payment of $186 or equal monthly payments plus the cost of shipping (you will be invoiced for shipping separately).
  • Choice of any four books per year
– Automatic: The member will automatically receive four new "core" releases. These are the books that the RFPA judges to be the most valuable or of most interest to its core audience.
– Customize*: The member will contact the office when they would like a new book. This includes all new releases and/or any hard copy books from the "All Books" section of the RFPA website.
    • Free eBook of any of the four books selected (upon request)
    • Standard Bearer subscription included
    • Standard Bearer eSubscription included (upon request)
    • 35% off discount on all book purchases above and beyond the four books selected

*Please note: The Customize membership operates under a "use it or lose it" policy. If you do not contact the office with your book selections prior to the end of your membership year, any books not redeemed will not be rolled over into the next membership year.

Lessons in Forgiveness (eBook) Lessons in Forgiveness (eBook)

Level Member Price $2.99


Based on a series of sermons preached in the summer of 2012 to the Limerick Reformed Fellowship, Lessons in Forgiveness details the author's study of an overlooked chapter in the New Testament. This little letter breathes forth the gospel message of reconciliation, a subject often fraught with difficulty when its application in the church is attempted.

It seems that everywhere we look today, we see conflict: in the world, which, because of its rebellion against God, is doomed never to enjoy peace; in marriages, even Christian marriages; in homes, even in Christian homes; and in churches. The little letter to Philemon contains principles of peace which we would be wise to follow—especially since, as the children of God, we are called to be peacemakers. 


What others are saying about this book:

"It is also quite remarkable how much insight and knowledge Martyn McGeown is able to expound whilst explaining how the epistle connects with the salvation narrative of Scripture...[Lessons] is an excellent commentary on Philemon, but it is more than that. It is a beautiful photograph of the Gospel worked out in the lives of ordinary Christian people." - @biblebookstheology


Read a review by @biblebookstheology.


Martyn McGeown is a pastor in the Protestant Reformed Churches. He is also the editor of the RFPA blog and the author of multiple RFPA publications.


  • 144 pages
  • ISBN 978-1-959515-33-3
  • Release date: September 2024


Hardcover version available

Lessons in Forgiveness: An Exposition of Philemon Lessons in Forgiveness: An Exposition of Philemon

Level Member Price $15.57


Paul writes a letter to Philemon, his friend and fellow believer. It is delivered by a special carrier: Onesimus, Philemon’s runaway slave. But Onesimus is not the same man who fled from his master: he is now a Christian. As such, Onesimus desires reconciliation with Philemon. Sharing Onesimus’ desire, Paul uses his letter to instruct Philemon, Onesimus, and every Christian about true repentance and what it means to have a forgiving and reconciling heart.

It seems that everywhere we look today, we see conflict: in the world, which, because of its rebellion against God, is doomed never to enjoy peace; in marriages, even Christian marriages; in homes, even in Christian homes; and in churches. The little letter to Philemon contains principles of peace which we would be wise to follow—especially since, as the children of God, we are called to be peacemakers.

Based on a series of sermons preached in the summer of 2012 to the Limerick Reformed Fellowship, Lessons in Forgiveness details the author's study of an overlooked chapter in the New Testament. In this book about Paul’s often neglected epistle, Martyn McGeown expounds truths that are vital for the lives of all Christians—truths that flow out of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, who has forgiven us and reconciled us to the Father.


What others are saying about this book:

"It is also quite remarkable how much insight and knowledge Martyn McGeown is able to expound whilst explaining how the epistle connects with the salvation narrative of Scripture...[Lessons] is an excellent commentary on Philemon, but it is more than that. It is a beautiful photograph of the Gospel worked out in the lives of ordinary Christian people." - @biblebookstheology


Read a review by @biblebookstheology.


Martyn McGeown is a pastor in the Protestant Reformed Churches. He is also the editor of the RFPA blog and the author of multiple RFPA publications.


  • 144 pages
  • hardcover
  • ISBN 978-1-959515-32-6
  • Release date: September 2024


eBook version available


Once a year, every year, the RFPA coordinates the binding and selling of the past year's full volume of Standard Bearer articles. For decades, the office has been keeping a few copies of each archived volume in reserve. Now, all these volumes have been collected and sorted, and YOU can order them today!

Order any of the volume years below for only $1 each (+ shipping)! Limited quantities of each year (as listed below) are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Membership discounts and free member shipping do not apply to this offer.

To order the most recent bound volume, Volume 99, for $35.00 + shipping, contact the RFPA office at (616) 457-5970 or via Act fast: only 1 left in stock!

If you would like your own SB issues bound, please contact the RFPA office for more details.


Looking for individual, unbound issues? Find that inventory here.


Available Standard Bearer volume years:

Year Volume # Quantity
1991 68 SOLD OUT
1993 70 4
1994 71 19
1995 72 21
1998 75 SOLD OUT
1999 76 18
2000 77 37
2001 78 SOLD OUT
2002 79 17
2003 80 13
2004 81 16
2005 82 16
2006 83 27
2007 84 4
2008 85 32
2009 86 18
2010 87 SOLD OUT


All previously available volumes 27 - 67 have been claimed. If you were interested in these or earlier volumes and would like to be informed if any more become available, please email with your name and requested vol. #s. We'll email that list of names first if more volumes become available in the future.

Finding My Vocation (eBook) Finding My Vocation (eBook)

Level Member Price $2.99


Click for a sample

How can I pick the right job?

Actually, you don’t need to choose a job that’s “perfect for you.” But you do need to be faithful and productive in ways that honor God in your work life.

Here’s a better question: As a believer, how can I determine what I am supposed to do, and then do it well?

The doctrine of calling, or vocation, leads us to the answer. Because for those who are “called according to his purpose” (Rom. 8:28), God provides a place, a time, and the gifts necessary to work for him in this world.

This book will help you do three things:

  1. Ponder the doctrine of vocation—learn what it means to have a calling and what Scripture teaches about work.
  2. Prepare for vocational living—determine the skills and character traits you’ll need and learn how to sort through your vocational options, remaining faithful to your other callings as you work.
  3. Practice vocation—apply biblical disciplines to succeed at work and relate work to the rest of who you are as a Christian.

God placed us in his world to work for his glory. You might not know exactly what he has planned for you, but you must—and can—be faithful where he calls you to be.


Table of Contents:

1 What Is Vocation?
2 What Is Work?
3 How Is Calling Related to Conversion?
4 Have Something to Offer
5 Choose Wisely
6 Remember Your Other Vocations
7 Work Well
8 Be Sure to Rest
9 Manage Money Wisely
Appendix A What If I Hate My Job?
Appendix B Is My Vocation Compromised by Sin?
Appendix C Should I Go to College?
Appendix D Is Military Service a Good Option for Me?
Appendix E Am I Called to the Ministry?


What others are saying about this book:

"Finding My Vocation by Pastor Bill Boekestein is a timely book. Many young people are questioning the traditional assumptions about how to find their niche in life. This book masterfully unpacks calling in the space of 100 pages. Simple without being shallow, Boekestein exams the biblical concept of vocation as well as how to prepare and practice one’s vocation. The content of each chapter is illustrated by the stories of people that were interviewed over the course of writing the book. Finding My Vocation: A Guide for Young People Seeking a Calling will be a birthday gift for all my grandchildren who are trying to find their calling. I could not make a better recommendation than that."
Tedd Trippauthor, pastor emeritus, conference speaker

"Pastor Bill Boekestein has done young people—and the whole church, really—a tremendous service by providing an accessible overview of the Bible's teaching on vocation. We are most happy, and God most glorified, when we “live in a manner worthy of the calling to which we have been called.” This book will help you do just that. I commend it highly."
Jonathan Landry Cruse, pastor, Community Presbyterian Church, Kalamazoo, MI

"Pastor Boekestein has written a book that is all at once practical, motivating, challenging, and encouraging.  The normal feel-good platitudes of the day won’t cut it, and Bill dives into a scriptural take on one of the most important issues and considerations we will ever face.  His communication style is clear and succinct yet with true depth and richness that makes the key takeaways of the book really stick.  I cannot recommend this enough!"
David Bahnsen, author of Full-Time: Work and the Meaning of Life

“Thoroughly Reformed. [Boekestein] includes good quotes from the Reformed fathers, confessions, and Scripture...I encourage those in high school and college to read this book, especially if they are struggling to find a vocation. But it is not only for a segment of people struggling to find their vocational calling. Those who know what God is calling them to do and those who are doing it will benefit as well. Parents, grandparents, and counselors will benefit greatly from the book to help the coming generations settle on a vocation that fits them and is honoring to God. I personally found it beneficial, as I work in the kingdom calling God has given to me."
Garry Eriks, pastor, Unity Protestant Reformed Church, Byron Center, MI

The doctrine of vocation is a surprisingly important one. If you come to a firm understanding of this doctrine while you are young, it will serve you well for the rest of your life. That is why I am so pleased with this book. It addresses sound teaching and faithful application to teens and young adults—the very people who have a whole lifetime of vocation ahead of them.
Tim Challies, founder of the Challies blog and author of Do More Better: A Practical Guide to Positivity

"Young people seeking God’s will for their life’s calling will discover a treasure trove of wisdom in William Boekestein’s Finding my Vocation. Vocation covers all of life. As they prayerfully make decisions for the future, they will consider biblical principles of work and relationships, they will assess their God-given talents and providential circumstances, they will aim to serve their family and their neighbor, and they will honor God. A rich, fulfilling, Christ-centered life awaits them if they follow the principles found on these pages."
Mary Beeke, author of Teach Them to Work: Building a Positive Work Ethic in Our Children

"This book is packed with biblical truth and practical wisdom—and is a much-needed and extremely helpful resource on the topic of a distinctly Christian view of vocation. I've been helped by it...and I commend it to you."
Jon Nielson, Senior Pastor, Christ Presbyterian Church of Wheaton

"Three things are most important in life: Knowing God, marrying the right person, and finding the right vocation. William Boekestein's thoughtful book may help young people follow a good path and recalibrate if they've gone astray."
Marvin Olasky, author, chairman at Zenger House, and former editor of WORLD magazine

"In this book, William Boekestein shows us a true pastoral heart. He lays out biblical principles that can enable young readers to seek a vocation that fits them and then do it with gracefulness and God-glorifying purpose. As a founding chancellor of a Christian university in Africa, I will want to put this book into the hands of all our students. The truths in this book could have far-reaching results on our continent!"
Conrad Mbewe, pastor of Kabwata Baptist Church and founding chancellor of the African Christian University in Lusaka, Zambia

"God brings us to our vocations, but his callings still require our preparation and discernment.  William Boekestein has written an engaging, biblically and theologically-informed guide for young people trying to figure out where God wants them to serve that is both practical and spiritual.  But it is also a guide for those of us already deep in our vocations who perhaps do not fully realize the role vocations play in the Christian life."
Gene Edward Veith, professor emeritus of literature at Patrick Henry College and author of God at Work: Your Christian Vocation in All of Life

"I am often asked by worried parents if their teenager should go to college or not. They often mistake an apathy towards higher education as depression, a lack of drive, or just pure laziness. I wonder if in most cases it is a lack of purpose. Many of these parents have fallen into the trap of thinking that a college education is the only avenue to a respectable life. It’s simply not true. I value a liberal arts education, and hopefully the children of these worried parents received one in high school. This does not mean, however, that only a white-collar occupation can provide true purpose. Nonsense! Our value, identity, and purpose cannot be satisfactorily defined by salary, position, or social standing. The doctrine of vocation frees us from this false choice. We are first freed from sin on account of Christ. Now that we are free, God uses us, no, he calls us to be his coworkers in the world. What title or amount of money could satisfy our yearning for purpose more than that? This book needed to be written. This is tough stuff, isn’t it? Especially for teenagers trying to figure out what to do with their lives. Boekestein will help these young Christians navigate these tough questions. He puts the gospel first and by doing so frees the worried teen about their standing before God, but he also shows them that whatever their vocation it is honored by God. God gives them a divine purpose in life."
Michael Berg, author of Vocation: The Setting for Human Flourishing

"Hardly a week goes by when I am not asked an earnest and serious question about vocation. Often it has to do with preparation for work; sometimes it has to do with enduring a job that seems unfulfilling. This short book offers clear, practical, but most importantly, biblical advice on the nature of work, its place in the Christian’s life, and how to engage in what God gives us to do. I recommend it highly."
Jonathan Master, president, Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary

"Very thought-provoking and practical and...helpful for teens."
Martyn McGeown, author, pastor, Providence Protestant Reformed Church, Grandville, MI

"Many people spend more of their lives working than any other activity. This wise book blends the insights of several Reformed confessions, the Puritans, and many contemporary voices to create a valuable guide for young people and their parents on vocation. Boekestein is to be commended for this biblical, wise, and highly practical treatment on calling and service to God and our neighbor."
Tom Schwanda, associate professor of Christian formation and ministry, emeritus, Wheaton College

"Mastering his usual literary skills, William Boekestein covers every aspect of the doctrine of vocation particularly as it applies to young people thinking about their future. Accompanied by true-life examples, this helpful guide is especially timely in a society characterized by a contrasting mixture of high expectations and common anxieties. Even someone like me who has left youthful days far behind can benefit from this reminder and these practical suggestions on how to “lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him” (1 Cor. 7:17 ESV). Because of the abundance of scriptural references and pertinent quotations, I have found this book more devotional and nourishing than I would have expected. Highly recommended for the whole family."
Simonetta Carr, author of the Christian Biographies for Young Readers series

"Early in life, young Christians should ask themselves a simple question that directs them toward their future service to God and the world: “Do I have something to offer?”...It is refreshing to read a book that forgoes nonsensical clichés like “chasing one’s dreams” or “following one’s heart.” Instead, the focus is on the acquisition of concrete skills that will be useful in almost every vocation...Perhaps a more accurate subtitle would be “A Guide for Young People Seeking a Calling and for Those Who Counsel Them.” For as valuable as this book will be to serious Christian young people, it will prove just as valuable to parents, pastors, youth leaders, and educators as they help our youth to think biblically about their vocations." 
Charles Wingard, Reformed Theological Seminary Journal


What teens are saying about this book:

"In this book, I liked the order that Rev. Boekestein approached the topic from, with the steps being in a chronological order. At the end of each chapter, Rev. Boekestein includes a real example of someone’s story of their vocation, which I also liked because it makes it more real." – Logan K.


Read reviews from Wes Bredenhof (Clarion), Jared Harfield, and @kristiyaknow_reviews. Read more about this book from Redeemed Reader, Listen to podcast conversations on this book via 3GT (Three Guys Theologizing), Moody Radio, Theology on the Go, and the Laymen's Lounge.


William Boekestein is the pastor of Immanuel Fellowship Church in Kalamazoo, Michigan and the author of numerous books. He worked in residential construction and taught at a Christian school for several years. He and his wife have four children.

  • 136 pages
  • ISBN 978-1-959515-30-2


Paperback version available

Finding My Vocation: A Guide for Young People Seeking a Calling Finding My Vocation: A Guide for Young People Seeking a Calling

Level Member Price $14.41


Click for a sample

Click here for an excerpt of the book on the blog, and read more on vocation from the author here on the Ligonier Ministries blog.


How can I pick the right job?

Actually, you don’t need to choose a job that’s “perfect for you.” But you do need to be faithful and productive in ways that honor God in your work life.

Here’s a better question: As a believer, how can I determine what I am supposed to do, and then do it well?

The doctrine of calling, or vocation, leads us to the answer. Because for those who are “called according to his purpose” (Rom. 8:28), God provides a place, a time, and the gifts necessary to work for him in this world.

This book will help you do three things:

  1. Ponder the doctrine of vocation—learn what it means to have a calling and what Scripture teaches about work.
  2. Prepare for vocational living—determine the skills and character traits you’ll need and learn how to sort through your vocational options, remaining faithful to your other callings as you work.
  3. Practice vocation—apply biblical disciplines to succeed at work and relate work to the rest of who you are as a Christian.

God placed us in his world to work for his glory. You might not know exactly what he has planned for you, but you must—and can—be faithful where he calls you to be.


Table of Contents:

1 What Is Vocation?
2 What Is Work?
3 How Is Calling Related to Conversion?
4 Have Something to Offer
5 Choose Wisely
6 Remember Your Other Vocations
7 Work Well
8 Be Sure to Rest
9 Manage Money Wisely
Appendix A What If I Hate My Job?
Appendix B Is My Vocation Compromised by Sin?
Appendix C Should I Go to College?
Appendix D Is Military Service a Good Option for Me?
Appendix E Am I Called to the Ministry?


What others are saying about this book:

"Finding My Vocation by Pastor Bill Boekestein is a timely book. Many young people are questioning the traditional assumptions about how to find their niche in life. This book masterfully unpacks calling in the space of 100 pages. Simple without being shallow, Boekestein exams the biblical concept of vocation as well as how to prepare and practice one’s vocation. The content of each chapter is illustrated by the stories of people that were interviewed over the course of writing the book. Finding My Vocation: A Guide for Young People Seeking a Calling will be a birthday gift for all my grandchildren who are trying to find their calling. I could not make a better recommendation than that."
Tedd Trippauthor of Shepherding a Child's Heart, pastor emeritus, conference speaker

"Pastor Bill Boekestein has done young people—and the whole church, really—a tremendous service by providing an accessible overview of the Bible's teaching on vocation. We are most happy, and God most glorified, when we “live in a manner worthy of the calling to which we have been called.” This book will help you do just that. I commend it highly."
Jonathan Landry Cruse, pastor, Community Presbyterian Church, Kalamazoo, MI

"Pastor Boekestein has written a book that is all at once practical, motivating, challenging, and encouraging.  The normal feel-good platitudes of the day won’t cut it, and Bill dives into a scriptural take on one of the most important issues and considerations we will ever face.  His communication style is clear and succinct yet with true depth and richness that makes the key takeaways of the book really stick.  I cannot recommend this enough!"
David Bahnsen, author of Full-Time: Work and the Meaning of Life

“Thoroughly Reformed. [Boekestein] includes good quotes from the Reformed fathers, confessions, and Scripture...I encourage those in high school and college to read this book, especially if they are struggling to find a vocation. But it is not only for a segment of people struggling to find their vocational calling. Those who know what God is calling them to do and those who are doing it will benefit as well. Parents, grandparents, and counselors will benefit greatly from the book to help the coming generations settle on a vocation that fits them and is honoring to God. I personally found it beneficial, as I work in the kingdom calling God has given to me."
Garry Eriks, pastor, Unity Protestant Reformed Church, Byron Center, MI

The doctrine of vocation is a surprisingly important one. If you come to a firm understanding of this doctrine while you are young, it will serve you well for the rest of your life. That is why I am so pleased with this book. It addresses sound teaching and faithful application to teens and young adults—the very people who have a whole lifetime of vocation ahead of them.
Tim Challies, founder of the Challies blog and author of Do More Better: A Practical Guide to Positivity

"Young people seeking God’s will for their life’s calling will discover a treasure trove of wisdom in William Boekestein’s Finding my Vocation. Vocation covers all of life. As they prayerfully make decisions for the future, they will consider biblical principles of work and relationships, they will assess their God-given talents and providential circumstances, they will aim to serve their family and their neighbor, and they will honor God. A rich, fulfilling, Christ-centered life awaits them if they follow the principles found on these pages."
Mary Beeke, author of Teach Them to Work: Building a Positive Work Ethic in Our Children

"This book is packed with biblical truth and practical wisdom—and is a much-needed and extremely helpful resource on the topic of a distinctly Christian view of vocation. I've been helped by it...and I commend it to you."
Jon Nielson, Senior Pastor, Christ Presbyterian Church of Wheaton

"Three things are most important in life: Knowing God, marrying the right person, and finding the right vocation. William Boekestein's thoughtful book may help young people follow a good path and recalibrate if they've gone astray."
Marvin Olasky, author, chairman at Zenger House, and former editor of WORLD magazine

"In this book, William Boekestein shows us a true pastoral heart. He lays out biblical principles that can enable young readers to seek a vocation that fits them and then do it with gracefulness and God-glorifying purpose. As a founding chancellor of a Christian university in Africa, I will want to put this book into the hands of all our students. The truths in this book could have far-reaching results on our continent!"
Conrad Mbewe, pastor of Kabwata Baptist Church and founding chancellor of the African Christian University in Lusaka, Zambia

"God brings us to our vocations, but his callings still require our preparation and discernment.  William Boekestein has written an engaging, biblically and theologically-informed guide for young people trying to figure out where God wants them to serve that is both practical and spiritual.  But it is also a guide for those of us already deep in our vocations who perhaps do not fully realize the role vocations play in the Christian life."
Gene Edward Veith, professor emeritus of literature at Patrick Henry College and author of God at Work: Your Christian Vocation in All of Life

"I am often asked by worried parents if their teenager should go to college or not. They often mistake an apathy towards higher education as depression, a lack of drive, or just pure laziness. I wonder if in most cases it is a lack of purpose. Many of these parents have fallen into the trap of thinking that a college education is the only avenue to a respectable life. It’s simply not true. I value a liberal arts education, and hopefully the children of these worried parents received one in high school. This does not mean, however, that only a white-collar occupation can provide true purpose. Nonsense! Our value, identity, and purpose cannot be satisfactorily defined by salary, position, or social standing. The doctrine of vocation frees us from this false choice. We are first freed from sin on account of Christ. Now that we are free, God uses us, no, he calls us to be his coworkers in the world. What title or amount of money could satisfy our yearning for purpose more than that? This book needed to be written. This is tough stuff, isn’t it? Especially for teenagers trying to figure out what to do with their lives. Boekestein will help these young Christians navigate these tough questions. He puts the gospel first and by doing so frees the worried teen about their standing before God, but he also shows them that whatever their vocation it is honored by God. God gives them a divine purpose in life."
Michael Berg, author of Vocation: The Setting for Human Flourishing

"Hardly a week goes by when I am not asked an earnest and serious question about vocation. Often it has to do with preparation for work; sometimes it has to do with enduring a job that seems unfulfilling. This short book offers clear, practical, but most importantly, biblical advice on the nature of work, its place in the Christian’s life, and how to engage in what God gives us to do. I recommend it highly."
Jonathan Master, president, Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary

"Very thought-provoking and practical and...helpful for teens."
Martyn McGeown, author, pastor, Providence Protestant Reformed Church, Grandville, MI

"Many people spend more of their lives working than any other activity. This wise book blends the insights of several Reformed confessions, the Puritans, and many contemporary voices to create a valuable guide for young people and their parents on vocation. Boekestein is to be commended for this biblical, wise, and highly practical treatment on calling and service to God and our neighbor."
Tom Schwanda, associate professor of Christian formation and ministry, emeritus, Wheaton College

"Mastering his usual literary skills, William Boekestein covers every aspect of the doctrine of vocation particularly as it applies to young people thinking about their future. Accompanied by true-life examples, this helpful guide is especially timely in a society characterized by a contrasting mixture of high expectations and common anxieties. Even someone like me who has left youthful days far behind can benefit from this reminder and these practical suggestions on how to “lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him” (1 Cor. 7:17 ESV). Because of the abundance of scriptural references and pertinent quotations, I have found this book more devotional and nourishing than I would have expected. Highly recommended for the whole family."
Simonetta Carr, author of the Christian Biographies for Young Readers series

"Early in life, young Christians should ask themselves a simple question that directs them toward their future service to God and the world: “Do I have something to offer?”...It is refreshing to read a book that forgoes nonsensical clichés like “chasing one’s dreams” or “following one’s heart.” Instead, the focus is on the acquisition of concrete skills that will be useful in almost every vocation...Perhaps a more accurate subtitle would be “A Guide for Young People Seeking a Calling and for Those Who Counsel Them.” For as valuable as this book will be to serious Christian young people, it will prove just as valuable to parents, pastors, youth leaders, and educators as they help our youth to think biblically about their vocations." 
Charles Wingard, Reformed Theological Seminary Journal


What teens are saying about this book:

"In this book, I liked the order that Rev. Boekestein approached the topic from, with the steps being in a chronological order. At the end of each chapter, Rev. Boekestein includes a real example of someone’s story of their vocation, which I also liked because it makes it more real." – Logan K.


Read reviews from Wes Bredenhof (Clarion), Jared Harfield, and @kristiyaknow_reviews. Read more about this book from Redeemed Reader, Listen to podcast conversations on this book via 3GT (Three Guys Theologizing), Moody Radio, Theology on the Go, and the Laymen's Lounge.


William Boekestein is the pastor of Immanuel Fellowship Church in Kalamazoo, Michigan and the author of numerous books. He worked in residential construction and taught at a Christian school for several years. He and his wife have four children.


  • 168 pages
  • paperback
  • ISBN 978-1-959515-29-6
  • Release date: August/September 2024


eBook version available

Cloud of Witnesses, A (eBook) Cloud of Witnesses, A (eBook)

Level Member Price $2.99


Click for a sample 

With the insight of a theologian, the heart of a pastor, and the clarity of a preacher, Herman Hoeksema expounds key sections of the epistle to the Hebrews. The glory and work of the author and finisher of our faith, Jesus Christ; the biblical saints of old and their victories by faith; the beauty of the prize at the end of the race that is set before us—these are the main themes of A Cloud of Witnesses, a book that will encourage
readers as they press on in their pilgrimage toward that city whose builder and maker is God himself.

What others are saying about this book:

“Often it is the case that we read the theology of a great churchman like Herman Hoeksema and so call him a theologian. But in reading his sermons, we are reminded that his first job and calling was to preach. Students of theology might be better served reading more sermons than works on theology. Thankfully, in this volume the reader gets both.” – Douglas J. Douma, pastor of First Presbyterian Church (Unionville, NY),
author, and founder of Sola Appalachian Christian Retreat

"There is something reminiscent of the preaching style of Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones in the meticulous and practical way that Herman Hoeksema expounds the biblical text. “A Cloud of Witnesses” is a powerful collection of sermons that speak right into the situation that we find ourselves in today." – @biblebookstheology


Read a review from @biblebookstheology.


Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.


  • Edited by Dr. Marco Barone
  • 352 pages
  • ISBN 978-1-959515-28-9


Hardcover version available

Cloud of Witnesses: Sermons on Selected Passages from the Epistle to the Hebrews Cloud of Witnesses: Sermons on Selected Passages from the Epistle to the Hebrews

Level Member Price $25.97


Click for a sample 

With the insight of a theologian, the heart of a pastor, and the clarity of a preacher, Herman Hoeksema expounds key sections of the epistle to the Hebrews. The glory and work of the author and finisher of our faith, Jesus Christ; the biblical saints of old and their victories by faith; the beauty of the prize at the end of the race that is set before us—these are the main themes of A Cloud of Witnesses, a book that will encourage
readers as they press on in their pilgrimage toward that city whose builder and maker is God himself.


What others are saying about this book:

“Often it is the case that we read the theology of a great churchman like Herman Hoeksema and so call him a theologian. But in reading his sermons, we are reminded that his first job and calling was to preach. Students of theology might be better served reading more sermons than works on theology. Thankfully, in this volume the reader gets both.” – Douglas J. Douma, pastor of First Presbyterian Church (Unionville, NY),
author, and founder of Sola Appalachian Christian Retreat

"There is something reminiscent of the preaching style of Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones in the meticulous and practical way that Herman Hoeksema expounds the biblical text. 'A Cloud of Witnesses' is a powerful collection of sermons that speak right into the situation that we find ourselves in today." – @biblebookstheology


Read a review from @biblebookstheology.


Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.


  • Edited by Dr. Marco Barone
  • 352 pages
  • hardcover
  • ISBN 978-1-959515-27-2
  • Release date: July 26, 2024


eBook version available

Songs of Our Pilgrimage (eBook) Songs of Our Pilgrimage (eBook)

Level Member Price $2.99


Click for a sample 

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding moments for peace and reflection can be a challenge. Yet, within the psalms, we discover a treasure trove of heartfelt prayers, honest expressions of emotion, and profound insights into the experience of every believer—that is, of a pilgrim and stranger in this world.

Through daily readings, thoughtful meditations, and heartfelt singing, you'll find in this book the comfort and guidance you need as you weave your pilgrim way through the sacred songbook.

Whether you're seeking solace in times of trouble, longing for a deeper connection with God, or simply craving a moment of stillness in your day, this devotional will nourish and strengthen you with the riches of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. May you, in the reading of this devotional, come to see yourself as a child of God on your pilgrimage to God’s house, singing praises all the way.


John A. Heys (1910–1998) served in the ministry of the Protestant Reformed Churches from 1941–1980. In those years, he pastored congregations in Michigan, Iowa, and Illinois. Heys was also a musician with a great love for singing and the psalms, composing multiple tunes for The Psalter (1912). After retiring from active ministry in 1980, he penned a series of devotional pamphlets called Daily Devotions from the Psalms, which have been published in this book under the title Songs of Our Pilgrimage. Heys, who is remembered for his profound yet humble and gentle preaching and catechism instruction, deeply loved the psalms. Each devotional in Songs evidences that love of the sacred songbook and all the profound, timeless truths therein.


  • 400 pages
  • ISBN 978-1-959515-21-0


Hardcover version available

Songs of Our Pilgrimage: 365 Daily Devotions on the Psalms Songs of Our Pilgrimage: 365 Daily Devotions on the Psalms

Level Member Price $23.37


Click for a sample 

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding moments for peace and reflection can be a challenge. Yet, within the psalms, we discover a treasure trove of heartfelt prayers, honest expressions of emotion, and profound insights into the experience of every believer—that is, of a pilgrim and stranger in this world.

Through daily readings, thoughtful meditations, and heartfelt singing, you'll find in this book the comfort and guidance you need as you weave your pilgrim way through the sacred songbook.

Whether you're seeking solace in times of trouble, longing for a deeper connection with God, or simply craving a moment of stillness in your day, this devotional will nourish and strengthen you with the riches of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. May you, in the reading of this devotional, come to see yourself as a child of God on your pilgrimage to God’s house, singing praises all the way.


Read a review by Marc Daniel Rivera (KristiyaKnow).


What others are saying about this book:

"These short meditations contain the riches of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and great encouragement for the saints in their pilgrim journey. Although short in length, Rev. Heys exhibits a gift of compressing profound truths of the sacred song book into each day’s meditation. The reader will also appreciate the continued references to the versification of the psalm of the day from the Psalter." a reader


John A. Heys (1910–1998) served in the ministry of the Protestant Reformed Churches from 1941–1980. In those years, he pastored congregations in Michigan, Iowa, and Illinois. Heys was also a musician with a great love for singing and the psalms, composing multiple tunes for The Psalter (1912). After retiring from active ministry in 1980, he penned a series of devotional pamphlets called Daily Devotions from the Psalms, which have been published in this book under the title Songs of Our Pilgrimage. Heys, who is remembered for his profound yet humble and gentle preaching and catechism instruction, deeply loved the psalms. Each devotional in Songs evidences that love of the sacred songbook and all the profound, timeless truths therein.


  • 400 pages
  • hardcover
  • ISBN 978-1-959515-20-3
  • Release date: June 21, 2024


eBook version available

Journey Through the Psalms (eBook) Journey Through the Psalms (eBook)

Level Member Price $2.99


Click for a sample 

In this devotional for ages 913, you will travel through several time periods, starting with Israel in the wilderness, then through the life of David, the captivity of Judah, and finally Christ’s work on earth. You will tour many important sites like caves, palaces, and even a national park. We’ll also make some stops along the way to consider spiritual topics from the psalms that are still relevant for young Christians today.


What others are saying about this book:

"I called my grandson Liam and asked how the book was going. He said it is one of his favorite books!" Lori (Escanaba, MI)

"I met Mike at the #SpeakUpConference last year. I was thrilled when I heard that he was releasing his first book on the Psalms. I started adding it to my morning routine (if there is such a thing with three young kids). It's a devotional, so it's a quick read and it's beautifully illustrated! I've been looking for a resource that could provide some biblical insight in an easy-to-understand way, and since it's written for a younger audience (9-13 years) this book delivers! It's been a great resource to have, and because of the pictures it has also sparked some great conversations with my six-year-old about the Bible!" Stephanie (Franklin, TN, USA)

"It was well written and I enjoyed it. l liked how it had Bible references in the devotional part but also to read first. There were a couple of things I didn't quite understand at first but I looked at the reference verses and understood them!" Ellie (Iowa, USA)

"This is a great devotional for the entire family. We read every night after dinner and the devotions were not too short or too long and led to nice discussions with the children, who are high school age and younger. Looking forward to the next devotional from this author." a reader via (Indiana, USA)
"My favorite chapter is chapter 27, The Crimson Worm, because it is interesting how the life cycle of the worm points to Jesus’ death. I like this book because it teaches me a new thing about nature every time I read it. One thing I learned from this book is that God shows himself in all creation." a young reader (Michigan, USA)


Mike Velthouse is an avid reader. In 2020 he began writing articles for his church’s newsletter about people and places from Bible history. Since then he has published many articles for children in the magazine Ignited by the Word. Mike lives in West Michigan near his three adult daughters and granddaughter. Journey Through the Psalms is his first book.

Erinn Kuiper is a wife and a mom to four children. She enjoys working with watercolors and especially likes to paint greeting cards. Erinn lives in West Michigan.


  • 98 pages
  • ISBN 978-1-959515-23-4


Paperback version available

Journey Through the Psalms: A Thirty-Day Devotional Journey Through the Psalms: A Thirty-Day Devotional

Level Member Price $16.11


Click for a sample 

In this devotional for ages 913, you will travel through several time periods, starting with Israel in the wilderness, then through the life of David, the captivity of Judah, and finally Christ’s work on earth. You will tour many important sites like caves, palaces, and even a national park. We’ll also make some stops along the way to consider spiritual topics from the psalms that are still relevant for young Christians today.

What others are saying about this book:

"I called my grandson Liam and asked how the book was going. He said it is one of his favorite books!" Lori (Escanaba, MI)

"I met Mike at the #SpeakUpConference last year. I was thrilled when I heard that he was releasing his first book on the Psalms. I started adding it to my morning routine (if there is such a thing with three young kids). It's a devotional, so it's a quick read and it's beautifully illustrated! I've been looking for a resource that could provide some biblical insight in an easy-to-understand way, and since it's written for a younger audience (9-13 years) this book delivers! It's been a great resource to have, and because of the pictures it has also sparked some great conversations with my six-year-old about the Bible!" Stephanie (Franklin, TN, USA) 

"It was well written and I enjoyed it. l liked how it had Bible references in the devotional part but also to read first. There were a couple of things I didn't quite understand at first but I looked at the reference verses and understood them!" Ellie (Iowa, USA)

"This is a great devotional for the entire family. We read every night after dinner and the devotions were not too short or too long and led to nice discussions with the children, who are high school age and younger. Looking forward to the next devotional from this author." a reader via (Indiana, USA)

"My favorite chapter is chapter 27, The Crimson Worm, because it is interesting how the life cycle of the worm points to Jesus’ death. I like this book because it teaches me a new thing about nature every time I read it. One thing I learned from this book is that God shows himself in all creation." a young reader (Michigan, USA)

Mike Velthouse is an avid reader. In 2020 he began writing articles for his church’s newsletter about people and places from Bible history. Since then he has published many articles for children in the magazine Ignited by the Word. Mike lives in West Michigan near his three adult daughters and granddaughter. Journey Through the Psalms is his first book.

Erinn Kuiper is a wife and a mom to four children. She enjoys working with watercolors and especially likes to paint greeting cards. Erinn lives in West Michigan.


  • 98 pages
  • paperback
  • ISBN 978-1-959515-22-7
  • Release date: June 14, 2024


eBook version available

Humble Servant: Devotions, Book 2 (eBook)

Level Member Price $2.99


 Click to look inside

As the Son of God, Jesus had it all—perfect communion with both the Father and the Holy Spirit and the glories of heaven. But Jesus left it all behind to humble himself, taking on our human flesh and suffering his whole life long and especially at the cross.

In life Jesus faced humiliation through outright rejection. Even as he preached the gospel and performed mighty miracles, his enemies falsely accused him and even took up stones to kill him (John 5–9).

So, why would the Son of God become a humble, suffering servant?

Because Jesus cares deeply for you and all his people—those who know themselves to be spiritually blind, lame, and hungry. Read from the gospel of John and meditate on how he gave himself so that you might be made whole and be nourished unto eternal life.

Click here to review or buy the first book in this series, Who is Jesus?


Read a review by Sarah De Boer (Grandville Gleaner).


What others are saying about this book:

"The book encourages us to walk with Christ daily and always trust in him...This devotional is a good way to remind yourself to follow Jesus and trust in him because he showed us how to be humble and loving. Whether you're a teen or an adult this is a great book to help you grow in your spiritual journey." Sarah De Boer (Grandville, MI)


Abby Van Solkema has been writing devotionals for young people since 2018. She is a graduate of Grand Valley State University and lives with her husband, Tedd, and their four children in Byron Center, Michigan. Follow Abby on Instagram @the.left.fork.


  • 106 pages
  • paperback
  • ISBN 978-1-959515-18-0
  • Release date: April 26, 2024


eBook version available


Other books in the Devotions on the Gospel of John seriesCOMING SOON! Subscribe to our email list to stay informed of new teen book releases and sales!

Humble Servant: Devotions on the Gospel of John for Teens, Book 2 Humble Servant: Devotions on the Gospel of John for Teens, Book 2

Level Member Price $11.86


 Click to look inside

As the Son of God, Jesus had it all—perfect communion with both the Father and the Holy Spirit and the glories of heaven. But Jesus left it all behind to humble himself, taking on our human flesh and suffering his whole life long and especially at the cross.

In life Jesus faced humiliation through outright rejection. Even as he preached the gospel and performed mighty miracles, his enemies falsely accused him and even took up stones to kill him (John 5–9).

So, why would the Son of God become a humble, suffering servant?

Because Jesus cares deeply for you and all his people—those who know themselves to be spiritually blind, lame, and hungry. Read from the gospel of John and meditate on how he gave himself so that you might be made whole and be nourished unto eternal life.

Click here to review or buy the first book in this series, Who is Jesus?


Read a review by Sarah De Boer (Grandville Gleaner).


What others are saying about this book:

"The book encourages us to walk with Christ daily and always trust in him...This devotional is a good way to remind yourself to follow Jesus and trust in him because he showed us how to be humble and loving. Whether you're a teen or an adult this is a great book to help you grow in your spiritual journey." Sarah De Boer (Grandville, MI)

Abby Van Solkema has been writing devotionals for young people since 2018. She is a graduate of Grand Valley State University and lives with her husband, Tedd, and their four children in Byron Center, Michigan. Follow Abby on Instagram @the.left.fork.


  • 106 pages
  • paperback
  • ISBN 978-1-959515-18-0
  • Release date: April 26, 2024


eBook version available


Other books in the Devotions on the Gospel of John seriesCOMING SOON! Subscribe to our email list to stay informed of new teen book releases and sales!

Crowning His Gifts (eBook)

Level Member Price $2.99


Click here for a sample


For many Christians, this word is a cause for fear and suspicion. It suggests doctrines of merit and a salvation based on works, as well as other ideas at odds with the teachings of the Christian faith.

But that need not be so.

In this accessible book, Brian Huizinga offers a rare historical and theological exposition of the biblical and Reformed teaching on the oft-neglected topic of the rewards of grace for the saints—in both the present life and in the life to come. Excluding any merit, and in full harmony with his sovereign and particular grace, the Lord indeed promises to reward the good works of believers. Far from unbiblical or dangerous, the truth of rewards occupies a surprisingly large and important place in Scripture. As such, it demands our attention. Crowning His Gifts will help all believers better grasp this topic by deepening their understanding of salvation in Christ and by offering fresh encouragements for a renewed life of godly zeal, to God’s glory.


What others are saying about the book:

"The relation between our good works and God’s rewards is unavoidable because our Lord himself often made this connection. Today, also because of the prosperity gospel, many are confused. In this book, with its wonderfully fitting title, Brian Huizinga builds on the spiritual and theological wisdom of Augustine, Calvin, Francis Turretin, Abraham Kuyper, Herman Bavinck, and Herman Hoeksema, among others, and provides a reliable guide through the tricky shoals of this subject. Huizinga’s treatment is biblically grounded and confessionally sound in its careful distinctions, clear definitions, and appropriate cautions. This is a groundbreaking, thorough, practical, and timely book."
John Bolt, Professor emeritus of systematic theology, Calvin Theological Seminary (Grand Rapids, MI), editor of Herman Bavinck’s English editions of Reformed Dogmatics and Reformed Ethics

"The author shows that the doctrine of God’s rewards for our works is in line with the Reformed tradition…Crowning His Gifts is a solid, biblical, Reformed study of our covenantal relationship with God. Pick up this book and read it carefully!"
Jürgen-Burkhard Klautke, Akademie für Reformatorische Theologie (Academy for Reformed Theology, Giessen), Evangelisch-Reformierten Gemeinde (Confessing Evangelical-Reformed Congregation, Giessen), Germany


Brian Huizinga is professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament Studies at the Theological School of the Protestant Reformed Churches in Wyoming (MI). He is also an editor of the Standard Bearer magazine. Before his appointment to professorship, he served for eight years in the pastoral ministry in Redlands, California. Crowning His Gifts is his first book.


Hardcover version available


  • 288 pages
  • ISBN 978-1-959515-01-2
Crowning His Gifts: Gracious Rewards in the Reformed Tradition Crowning His Gifts: Gracious Rewards in the Reformed Tradition

Level Member Price $25.97


Click here for a sample 


For many Christians, this word is a cause for fear and suspicion. It suggests doctrines of merit and a salvation based on works, as well as other ideas at odds with the teachings of the Christian faith.

But that need not be so.

In this accessible book, Brian Huizinga offers a rare historical and theological exposition of the biblical and Reformed teaching on the oft-neglected topic of the rewards of grace for the saints—in both the present life and in the life to come. Excluding any merit, and in full harmony with his sovereign and particular grace, the Lord indeed promises to reward the good works of believers. Far from unbiblical or dangerous, the truth of rewards occupies a surprisingly large and important place in Scripture. As such, it demands our attention. Crowning His Gifts will help all believers better grasp this topic by deepening their understanding of salvation in Christ and by offering fresh encouragements for a renewed life of godly zeal, to God’s glory.


What others are saying about the book:

"The relation between our good works and God’s rewards is unavoidable because our Lord himself often made this connection. Today, also because of the prosperity gospel, many are confused. In this book, with its wonderfully fitting title, Brian Huizinga builds on the spiritual and theological wisdom of Augustine, Calvin, Francis Turretin, Abraham Kuyper, Herman Bavinck, and Herman Hoeksema, among others, and provides a reliable guide through the tricky shoals of this subject. Huizinga’s treatment is biblically grounded and confessionally sound in its careful distinctions, clear definitions, and appropriate cautions. This is a groundbreaking, thorough, practical, and timely book."
John Bolt, Professor emeritus of systematic theology, Calvin Theological Seminary (Grand Rapids, MI), editor of Herman Bavinck’s English editions of Reformed Dogmatics and Reformed Ethics

"The author shows that the doctrine of God’s rewards for our works is in line with the Reformed tradition…Crowning His Gifts is a solid, biblical, Reformed study of our covenantal relationship with God. Pick up this book and read it carefully!"
Jürgen-Burkhard Klautke, Akademie für Reformatorische Theologie (Academy for Reformed Theology, Giessen), Evangelisch-Reformierten Gemeinde (Confessing Evangelical-Reformed Congregation, Giessen), Germany


Read reviews by John Hooper (Bible League Quarterly) and Daniel Holstege (Protestant Reformed Theological Journal).


Brian Huizinga is professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament Studies at the Theological School of the Protestant Reformed Churches in Wyoming (MI). He is also an editor of the Standard Bearer magazine. Before his appointment to professorship, he served for eight years in the pastoral ministry in Redlands, California. Crowning His Gifts is his first book.

  • 288 pages
  • Hardcover
  • ISBN 978-1-959515-00-5
  • Release date: May 2024


eBook version available

Redeemed with Judgment - volume 2 (eBook)

Level Member Price $2.99


This book is the second in the 2-volume Redeemed with Judgment set. PLEASE NOTE: This hardcover set is on sale for the month of March 2024. Individual and eBook volumes are not on sale. You must buy the hardcover 2-volume set bundle here in order to get the sale price. 

The prophecy of Isaiah occupies a large place in the Old Testament canon of Scripture, not only from the viewpoint of its length, but also from the perspective of its significance. Second only to the psalms, it is the book most frequently quoted in the New Testament. Among the books of the prophets, it is quoted by Jesus and his apostles in support of the New Testament gospel of grace more frequently than all of the other prophets put together. In addition, Isaiah’s vocabulary is richer than that of any other prophet, and even more comprehensive and diverse than that of the psalms.

Why did Jesus and his apostles quote from Isaiah as often as they did? What did the author of this book see in the prophecy of Isaiah that made him concentrate much of his preaching on this book for some thirty years?

The answer lies in the messianic characteristic of the book; Isaiah speaks of Christ. Sometimes the prophecy is indirect, vague, and difficult to understand. At other times clear, literal, and straightforward. In either case, Isaiah always speaks of the coming of the Messiah implying both the judgment of the wicked world and the salvation of Zion.

The author of this book, Homer C. Hoeksema loved the prophecy of Isaiah and preached on 125 different passages from the Bible book. Redeemed with Judgment: Sermons on Isaiah is a transcribed and edited collection of these sermons.

Homer C. Hoeksema (1923-1989) was the second son of Herman Hoeksema, born during the turmoil of the Common Grace controversy which led to the formation of the Protestant Reformed Churches. He served charges in Iowa and Illinois before being called to serve as professor in the Protestant Reformed Seminary, where he taught Dogmatics and New Testament studies. He also served for years as the editor of The Standard Bearer and wrote many books for the RFPA.

  • 639 pages
  • ISBN 978-1-959515-14-2

Redeemed with Judgment: Sermons on Isaiah - volume 1 (eBook)

Redeemed with Judgment - volume 1 (eBook)

Level Member Price $2.99


This book is the first in the 2-volume Redeemed with Judgment set. PLEASE NOTE: This hardcover set is on sale for the month of March 2024. Individual and eBook volumes are not on sale. You must buy the hardcover 2-volume set bundle here in order to get the sale price. 


The prophecy of Isaiah occupies a large place in the Old Testament canon of Scripture, not only from the viewpoint of its length, but also from the perspective of its significance. Second only to the psalms, it is the book most frequently quoted in the New Testament. Among the books of the prophets, it is quoted by Jesus and his apostles in support of the New Testament gospel of grace more frequently than all of the other prophets put together. In addition, Isaiah’s vocabulary is richer than that of any other prophet, and even more comprehensive and diverse than that of the psalms.

Why did Jesus and his apostles quote from Isaiah as often as they did? What did the author of this book see in the prophecy of Isaiah that made him concentrate much of his preaching on this book for some thirty years?

The answer lies in the messianic characteristic of the book; Isaiah speaks of Christ. Sometimes the prophecy is indirect, vague, and difficult to understand. At other times clear, literal, and straightforward. In either case, Isaiah always speaks of the coming of the Messiah implying both the judgment of the wicked world and the salvation of Zion.

The author of this book, Homer C. Hoeksema loved the prophecy of Isaiah and preached on 125 different passages from the Bible book. Redeemed with Judgment: Sermons on Isaiah is a transcribed and edited collection of these sermons.

Homer C. Hoeksema (1923-1989) was the second son of Herman Hoeksema, born during the turmoil of the Common Grace controversy which led to the formation of the Protestant Reformed Churches. He served charges in Iowa and Illinois before being called to serve as professor in the Protestant Reformed Seminary, where he taught Dogmatics and New Testament studies. He also served for years as the editor of The Standard Bearer and wrote many books for the RFPA.

  • 464 pages
  • ISBN: 978-1-959515-13-5

Redeemed with Judgment: Sermons on Isaiah - volume 2 (eBook)

Life in the Covenant (eBook)

Level Member Price $2.99



God said to Abraham, “I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee” (Gen. 17:7; cf. Lev. 26:12, Ezek. 37:27, Jer. 30:22). This covenant is the intimate relationship of fellowship he has chosen to share with his people in Jesus Christ. God has blessed his Old and New Testament church by way of the truth of the covenant even as he blessed Abraham.

The truth of the covenant comforts us in distress, encourages us in our battle against our enemies, and gives strength when we are weak. We as believers must embrace the truth of God’s covenant by developing and nurturing a worldview that is rooted in the blessed relationship which our heavenly Father has made with us in Christ.

With the heart of a pastor and the passion of a preacher, the author has written this book to help believers combat the threatening influences of both the world and our own sin upon the Christian home and church. As a practical exposition of the doctrine of God’s covenant, this volume will aid children of the covenant in directing their lives unto the triune God— in the family, among other saints, and as they live in the midst of an unbelieving world.


Read reviews by Arend Haveman (PRCA) and Geoff Veldman (Grandville Gleaner). 


Wilbur Bruinsma is a minister in the Protestant Reformed Churches. He has pastored four congregations, and he has also served as a domestic missionary in the United States and as a missionary to Jamaica. Rev. Bruinsma and his wife have been blessed with five children and many grandchildren.


  • 189 pages
  • ISBN: 978-0-916206-46-8
Biblical and Religious Psychology (eBook)

Level Member Price $2.99


Click here for a Table of Contents!

Click here to read a sample chapter!


The great Reformed theologian Herman Bavinck (1854–1921) was famous for his study of many disciplines, including psychology. The pinnacle of his studies in theological psychology is Biblical and Religious Psychology. The book is divided into two parts which work in harmony to cultivate a theological anthropology that attends to who man psychologically is, in relation to God, according to both special and general revelation. Both readers acquainted with Bavinck and new readers will be captivated by the author’s typically rich and erudite style. 

Biblical and Religious Psychology, translated by Herman Hanko and edited by Gregory Parker Jr, with revisions by Annemarieke Ryskamp, is an enlightening and stimulating work that will help all readers think more deeply about the relationship between theology and psychology and appreciate the theological complexities of being human.

What others are saying about the book:

In recent years there has been a renewal of interest in a “theological psychology.” While a rift may have existed in the recent past between theology and psychology, this has not always been the case. Herman Bavinck was one of many theologians who thought deeply about the connection between these two disciplines. He did this in a time when psychology was asserting itself as a science. For anyone interested in how one can put the words “biblical” and “psychology” together, this is an important work to consider. The readers will find themselves challenged and encouraged to take up the task of constructing a “theological psychology” anew. – Cameron Clausing, lecturer in applied theology and missional engagement at Christ College (Sydney, Australia)

This book showcases Bavinck’s attentiveness to the empirical granularity of biblical teaching on humanity. Further, the text represents Bavinckʼs mature writings on these topics, so readers who want a fuller picture of his reflections on the issue cannot neglect reading these texts. The editors and translators should be celebrated for bringing this accessible yet profound work to a wider audience, and the incisive introduction by John Bolt makes it all the more worthwhile. Take up and read! – N. Gray Sutanto, assistant professor of systematic theology of Reformed Theological Seminary (Washington D.C.), author of God and Knowledge: Herman Bavinck’s Theological Epistemology, cotranslator and coeditor of Herman Bavinck’s Christian Worldview

Bavinck spent his career as a theologian thinking about the human subject. Here you get his final thoughts on the psyche, consciousness, and particularly what the Bible teaches about human beings and how we respond to God’s presence. This is the work of the mature Bavinck, which makes it worth paying attention to. – Cory Brock, minister in the Free Church of Scotland at St. Columba’s (Edinburgh) and lecturer in systematic theology and preaching at Edinburgh Theological Seminary

As the 20th century dawned, the discipline of psychology celebrated its emancipation from the Bible and theology. As the new psychology was explaining more and more of the human experience, the rich, previously theologically informed constructs such as soul, spirit, and heart were being reduced to mere consciousness that could be measured in a laboratory. The divorce between psychology and theology seemed to be final. However, thanks to the work of Hanko, Ryskamp and Parker, we now know this was not the case. In their very readable translation of Bavinckʼs Biblical and Religious Psychology, we see that Bavinck was still trying to carve out a place for a theological informed psychology. Not only will this volume be of historical benefit, but Bavinck’s treatment of the human soul in all of its fullness can and should inform contemporary psychology-theology integration discussions. – Bryan N. Maier, associate professor of Psychology and Counseling at Cairn University

When framed in a biblical anthropology, psychology as the study of human soul activity is a necessary and valuable tool for educating children. – John Bolt, "Introduction," professor emeritus of Calvin Theological Seminary and editor of Herman Bavinck's Reformed Dogmatics (Gereformeerde Dogmatiek)

I consider this material to be of such interest and help, especially to those who are engaged in the work of teaching covenant children, that a translation and publication of it is worthwhile in spite of elements with which I disagree. Bavinck did work in the area of Christian psychology which is not to be found in any English writings.  Herman Hanko, "Translator's Foreword," professor emeritus of Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary


Read reviews by Wes Bredenhof (Clarion), John Jambura, @reformedandreading@biblebookstheology, and Marc Daniel Rivera (KristiyaKnow).

HERMAN BAVINCK (1854-1921) was a Dutch Reformed theologian. He earned his doctorate from the University of Leiden in 1880. He taught at the Theological School in Kampen and Free University of Amsterdam. He is well regarded as the foremost theologian of neo-Calvinism.

  • 288 pages
  • ISBN 978-1-959515-07-4


Hardcover version available

Who is Jesus? Devotions, Book 1 (eBook) Who is Jesus? Devotions, Book 1 (eBook)

Level Member Price $2.99


 Click to look inside

Contrary to what many believe today, neither the truth that Jesus is both really God and really man nor the way that he views the people on this earth are ideas that you can simply form your own opinion on. These truths are clearly taught in the pages of Scripture and are “profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (2 Tim. 3:16).

So who is Jesus? John’s inspired gospel account of our Savior’s ministry will help you answer this question biblically, and it will also help you understand just how important the answer to your question is. When you fall into sin or are tempted to sin or when you suffer hardship and loss, there is great comfort in knowing who Jesus is—the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

Abby Van Solkema has been writing devotionals for young people since 2018. She is a graduate of Grand Valley State University and lives with her husband, Tedd, and their four children in Byron Center, Michigan. Follow Abby on Instagram @the.left.fork.


  • 89 pages
  • ISBN 978-1-959515-05-0


Paperback version available


Other books in the Devotions on the Gospel of John seriesCOMING SOON! Subscribe to our email list to stay informed of new teen book releases and sales!

Who is Jesus? Devotions on the Gospel of John for Teens, Book 1 Who is Jesus? Devotions on the Gospel of John for Teens, Book 1

Level Member Price $11.86


 Click to look inside

Contrary to what many believe today, neither the truth that Jesus is both really God and really man nor the way that he views the people on this earth are ideas that you can simply form your own opinion on. These truths are clearly taught in the pages of Scripture and are “profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (2 Tim. 3:16).

So who is Jesus? John’s inspired gospel account of our Savior’s ministry will help you answer this question biblically, and it will also help you understand just how important the answer to your question is. When you fall into sin or are tempted to sin or when you suffer hardship and loss, there is great comfort in knowing who Jesus is—the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.


Read reviews by Luke Potjer, Sarah Mowery, Michelle Drnek, and Elizabeth Machiele!

Abby Van Solkema has been writing devotionals for young people since 2018. She is a graduate of Grand Valley State University and lives with her husband, Tedd, and their four children in Byron Center, Michigan. Follow Abby on Instagram @the.left.fork.


  • 89 pages
  • paperback
  • ISBN 978-1-944555-92-4
  • Release date: December 2023


eBook version available


Other books in the Devotions on the Gospel of John seriesCOMING SOON! Subscribe to our email list to stay informed of new teen book releases and sales!

I Belong (eBook)

Level Member Price $2.99


 Look inside the book! 

What is your only comfort in life and death?

That I with body and soul, both in life and death, am not my own, but belong unto my faithful Savior Jesus Christ.

I Belong is a picture book (ages 4-7) that explains each comforting phrase of Heidelberg Catechism Question and Answer 1 to young children, in language that they understand. Colorful illustrations of a diverse group of children will capture readers’ imaginations as they learn what it means to belong to their faithful Savior.

This book can be used as a short book of devotions for families with younger children or can be read by older children on their own.

It’s comforting to belong to God because you know he will care for you. The Bible tells you that when you pass through the deep waters and when you walk through the fire, God will be with you.


Read reviews by Annemarieke Ryskamp (The Outlook), Amanda DeBoer (Clarion), and Kristin Stiles (Books at a Glance)! Also, learn more about the book by checking out our post on!


Joyce Holstege has taught kindergarten at Heritage Christian School, located in her hometown of Hudsonville, Michigan, since 1995. Joyce holds a BA in English: Education from Grand Valley State University. She enjoys reading, gardening, and all things arts and crafts.

Meagan Krosschell lives in Randolph, Wisconsin. She studies graphic design at Madison College and enjoys drawing, camping, and ice hockey.


  • 50 pages
  • ISBN 978-1-944555-87-0

Click below for a speech given by the I Belong author at the annual Reformed Free Publishing Association meeting on September 22, 2022.

Hardcover version available

Ten Commandments for Children (eBook)

Level Member Price $2.99



This book teaches children...

  • what God’s law is: his ten words to his people
  • how we obey God's law: by loving him and our neighbor
  • why we keep God's law: to thank him for delivering us from our sin, to be assured that he has made us his children, and more

This book explains and applies each commandment in two to three chapters, covering both what God forbids and requires. Chapters include discussion questions, a Bible memory verse, and a related psalm to be sung.


Read reviews by Amanda DeBoer (Clarion), Judy Joyce (Embracing a Healthy Family), Abby VanSolkema (The Left Fork), Dawn Peluso (Schoolin' Swag), Vanessa Le (The Outlook), and Todd and Nicole Kooienga (The Grandville Gleaner)! Also, check out our feature on here!


Ronald L. Cammenga is professor of dogmatics and Old Testament studies at the Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary in Wyoming, Michigan. Ten Commandments is his first children's book.

Ana Sebastián is a digital illustrator and visual development artist based in Madrid, Spain. 


Find other Reformed children's books here.

Find other New Releases here.

Other books in the Doctrine for Children series: COMING SOON!


Hardcover version available

T is for Tree (eBook)

Level Member Price $2.99


 Click to look inside

This alphabet book is a collection of Bible passages, short rhymes, and detailed illustrations designed to teach young children of their heavenly Father’s almighty power and his faithfulness to fulfill the promises he makes to them as children of his covenant. Use this book to instruct your children in the truths of salvation for all of God’s people and especially his littlest lambs.


Read reviews by Old Schoolhouse bloggers (click on the link and scroll down to the bottom of the page for 40 reviews!) and Worth a Bowed Head.


What others are saying about this book:

"Share this lovely ABC book with your youngest children. Mrs. Meyer’s colorful, detailed illustrations please the eyes; her simple, rhyming verses gratify the ears; and the selected scripture texts delight the soul. What better way to introduce our little ones to the alphabet than with the word of him who is the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last?"

—Sarah Mowery, children’s and youth literature reviewer for Perspectives in Covenant Education


"[I] think it's super inspiring to see RFPA's commitment to providing believers with resources that deepen their understanding of the Reformed faith. My mom gifted my son your 'T is for Tree' book and he loves it!" —Madison H.


Connie Meyer is a 1982 graduate of Calvin College with a BA in art education. She is a wife and the mother to five children, and has written three books of art curriculum for the RFPA under the series title Behold the Beauty.

  • 32 pages
  • ISBN 978-1-944555-84-9

Hardcover version available

His Mercy Endureth Forever (eBook)

Level Member Price $2.99


O give thanks to the Lord of lords: for his mercy endureth for ever. To him who alone doeth great wonders: for his mercy endureth for ever. To him that by wisdom made the heavens: for his mercy endureth for ever. —Psalm 136:3–5 (KJV)

God’s mercy endures forever. And the same mercy he displayed in the creation of the world and to his people Israel, he also reveals to his children in Jesus Christ. The words of this psalm and illustrator Kathleen DeJong’s beautiful acrylics and line drawings will inspire covenant children and their parents to thank God each day for his unending mercies.

Read reviews by Mary Beth Lubbers, Sarah Mowery (Perspectives), Kelly (Hope in the Chaos), and Amy Butler (The Write Balance).


What others have said about this book:

"Not all illustrations of Scripture are lawful or tasteful. However, Kathleen’s book of pictures carefully captures the beauty of God’s mercy described in Psalm 136. Each sketch has the imprint not only of a skilled artist but also of one who has meditated on God’s Word. Both children and adults will grow in gratitude to God by pondering the inspired text as it is illuminated by insightful art."  — Jon Mahtani, Pastor of Hope Protestant Reformed Church

"Kathleen DeJong has beautifully illustrated Psalm 136 in this book. Some of these detailed, vibrant pictures portray actual historical events from scripture; others portray the spiritual reality behind biblical events. I especially appreciate that the book begins and ends with illustrations that remind us that the psalms were meant to be sung by God’s people—people who always rejoice in the goodness and mercy of their God." — Karen Van Baren, Reformed Christian school teacher


Kathleen DeJong is a freelance artist from the greater Chicago area. She has done art projects for various businesses, including book illustration, murals, portraits, pet paintings, and assorted ceramics.


  • 36 pages
  • ISBN 978-1-944555-98-6


Edit: This book description has been updated to remove links to the Deputie Tribe blog and Our Everyday Harvest blog, which links no longer exist.


    Hardcover version available

    Halikayo, Mga Anak: Kuwento ng Biblia para sa Mga Bata (Come Ye Children)

    Level Member Price $16.96


    The English version of this Bible storybook is one of the RFPA's best-selling publications! Now, you and your family can read Halikayo, Mga Anak in Tagalog, the most widely spoken language in the Philippines. 

    Come, Ye Children has been a favorite of Reformed children for decades. A Christian school teacher and gifted storyteller, the author tells 198 Bible stories from Genesis to Acts in language easily understood by young children. Each story is true to scripture and includes a thought to remember and an illustrative drawing.


    • 573 pages
    • hardcover
    • ISBN 978-1-944555-51-1
    • Release date: 2019 (Tagalog)


    Also available in English!

    Biblical and Religious Psychology Biblical and Religious Psychology

    Level Member Price $25.97


    Click here for a Table of Contents!

    Click here to read a sample chapter!


    The great Reformed theologian Herman Bavinck (1854–1921) was famous for his study of many disciplines, including psychology. The pinnacle of his studies in theological psychology is Biblical and Religious Psychology. The book is divided into two parts which work in harmony to cultivate a theological anthropology that attends to who man psychologically is, in relation to God, according to both special and general revelation. Both readers acquainted with Bavinck and new readers will be captivated by the author’s typically rich and erudite style. 

    Biblical and Religious Psychology, translated by Herman Hanko and edited by Gregory Parker Jr, with revisions by Annemarieke Ryskamp, is an enlightening and stimulating work that will help all readers think more deeply about the relationship between theology and psychology and appreciate the theological complexities of being human.

    What others are saying about the book:

    In recent years there has been a renewal of interest in a “theological psychology.” While a rift may have existed in the recent past between theology and psychology, this has not always been the case. Herman Bavinck was one of many theologians who thought deeply about the connection between these two disciplines. He did this in a time when psychology was asserting itself as a science. For anyone interested in how one can put the words “biblical” and “psychology” together, this is an important work to consider. The readers will find themselves challenged and encouraged to take up the task of constructing a “theological psychology” anew. – Cameron Clausing, lecturer in applied theology and missional engagement at Christ College (Sydney, Australia)

    This book showcases Bavinck’s attentiveness to the empirical granularity of biblical teaching on humanity. Further, the text represents Bavinckʼs mature writings on these topics, so readers who want a fuller picture of his reflections on the issue cannot neglect reading these texts. The editors and translators should be celebrated for bringing this accessible yet profound work to a wider audience, and the incisive introduction by John Bolt makes it all the more worthwhile. Take up and read! – N. Gray Sutanto, assistant professor of systematic theology of Reformed Theological Seminary (Washington D.C.), author of God and Knowledge: Herman Bavinck’s Theological Epistemology, cotranslator and coeditor of Herman Bavinck’s Christian Worldview

    Bavinck spent his career as a theologian thinking about the human subject. Here you get his final thoughts on the psyche, consciousness, and particularly what the Bible teaches about human beings and how we respond to God’s presence. This is the work of the mature Bavinck, which makes it worth paying attention to. – Cory Brock, minister in the Free Church of Scotland at St. Columba’s (Edinburgh) and lecturer in systematic theology and preaching at Edinburgh Theological Seminary

    As the 20th century dawned, the discipline of psychology celebrated its emancipation from the Bible and theology. As the new psychology was explaining more and more of the human experience, the rich, previously theologically informed constructs such as soul, spirit, and heart were being reduced to mere consciousness that could be measured in a laboratory. The divorce between psychology and theology seemed to be final. However, thanks to the work of Hanko, Ryskamp and Parker, we now know this was not the case. In their very readable translation of Bavinckʼs Biblical and Religious Psychology, we see that Bavinck was still trying to carve out a place for a theological informed psychology. Not only will this volume be of historical benefit, but Bavinck’s treatment of the human soul in all of its fullness can and should inform contemporary psychology-theology integration discussions. – Bryan N. Maier, associate professor of Psychology and Counseling at Cairn University

    When framed in a biblical anthropology, psychology as the study of human soul activity is a necessary and valuable tool for educating children. – John Bolt, "Introduction," professor emeritus of Calvin Theological Seminary and editor of Herman Bavinck's Reformed Dogmatics (Gereformeerde Dogmatiek)

    I consider this material to be of such interest and help, especially to those who are engaged in the work of teaching covenant children, that a translation and publication of it is worthwhile in spite of elements with which I disagree. Bavinck did work in the area of Christian psychology which is not to be found in any English writings.  Herman Hanko, "Translator's Foreword," professor emeritus of Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary

    Read reviews by Wes Bredenhof (Clarion), John Jambura, @reformedandreading@biblebookstheology, and Marc Daniel Rivera (KristiyaKnow), and Michael Carlino (Boyce College). Or listen to a discussion and review of this book's content via the "Grace in Common" podcast here ("Is neo-Calvinism Biblical?").


    HERMAN BAVINCK (1854-1921) was a Dutch Reformed theologian. He earned his doctorate from the University of Leiden in 1880. He taught at the Theological School in Kampen and Free University of Amsterdam. He is well regarded as the foremost theologian of neo-Calvinism.

    • 288 pages
    • Hardcover
    • ISBN 978-1-959515-06-7
    • Release date: February 2024


    eBook version available

    Believing and Confessing: 365 Meditations on the Belgic Confession

    Level Member Price $18.82


     Look inside the book

    The Belgic Confession of Faith is a beloved summary of the Christian faithfor the building up of the church of Christ and to the glory of the triune God. But the Belgic Confession is not only a statement of faith. The theological depths and the personal character of this beloved document make it a more-than-suitable resource to which the believer can turn for the daily practice of personal devotions. 

    The 365 meditations in this book will daily guide the reader toward a better understanding of those scriptural truths for which the author of the Belgic Confession, Guido de Brès, lived and died.


    Read review by Kathy VanderKolk (Grandville Gleaner).

    • 416 pages
    • softcover
    • ISBN 978-1-944555-69-6
    • Release date: August 2023


    eBook version available


    Table of Contents (click here for full TOC, or click Article 1 below for a sample):

    Introduction 3
    Article 1: There is One Only God, 4
    Article 2: By What Means God Is Made Known unto Us, 18
    Article 3: The Written Word of God, 26
    Article 4: Canonical Books of the Holy Scripture, 31
    Article 5: From Whence the Holy Scriptures Derive their Dignity and Authority, 35
    Article 6: The Difference Between the Canonical and Apocryphal Books, 35
    Article 7: The Sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures to be the Only Rule of Faith, 43
    Article 8: God is One in Essence, Yet Distinguished in Three Persons, 58
    Article 9: The Proof of the Foregoing Article of the Trinity of Persons in One God, 66
    Article 10: Jesus Christ Is True and Eternal God, 74
    Article 11: The Holy Ghost Is True and Eternal God, 82
    Article 12: Of the Creation, 90
    Article 13: Divine Providence, 105
    Article 14: The Creation and Fall of Man, and His Incapacity to Perform What Is Truly Good, 127
    Article 15: Original Sin, 142
    Article 16: Eternal Election, 157
    Article 17: The Recovery of Fallen Man, 172
    Article 18: The Incarnation of Jesus Christ, 180
    Article 19: The Union and Distinction of the Two Natures in the Person of Christ, 188
    Article 20: God Hath Manifested His Justice and Mercy in Christ, 196
    Article 21: The Satisfaction of Christ, Our Only High Priest, for Us, 204
    Article 22: Faith in Jesus Christ, 219
    Article 23: Justification, 228
    Article 24: Man's Sanctification and Good Works, 249
    Article 25: The Abolishing of the Ceremonial Law, 265
    Article 26: Christ's Intercession, 273
    Article 27: The Catholic Christian Church, 295
    Article 28: Every One Is Bound to Join Himself to the True Church, 303
    Article 29: The Marks of the True Church, and Wherein She Differs from the False Church, 311
    Article 30: The Government of and Offices in the Church, 319
    Article 31: The Ministers, Elders, and Deacons, 334
    Article 32: The Order and Discipline of the Church, 342
    Article 33: The Sacraments, 357
    Article 34: Holy Baptism, 370
    Article 35: The Holy Supper of Our Lord Jesus Christ, 379
    Article 36: The Magistrates, 388
    Article 37: The Last Judgment, 396

    I Believe: Sermons on the Apostle's Creed (eBook)

    Level Member Price $2.99


    The Apostles' Creed declares truths that transcend time and space, uniting all of Christ’s saints from past, present, and future.

    In the early- to mid-1950s, Herman Hoeksema delivered a series of radio sermons on each of the articles of the Apostles’ Creed, thereby presenting and explaining all of the foundational doctrines of the Christian faith. This collection of those sermons is therefore an excellent introduction to a Reformed understanding of the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith.

    But the sermons in this book are more than theological expositions of the doctrines of the Apostles’ Creed. Hoeksema offers insightful, practical applications that flow from the truths of the Creed. Both the Creed’s doctrines and practical implications are crucially important—not only to the individual Christian—but also to the church as a whole. By expounding the Apostles’ Creed, Hoeksema demonstrates that its truths are not empty propositions but living declarations pointing to the Christian’s only hope and comfort in life and death—the triune God and the Lord Jesus Christ.


    Read reviews by Mitchell Dick (URC), Marc Daniel Rivera (KristiyaKnow) and Ben House (The Heavy-Laden Bookshelf).


    What others are saying about the book:

    "As God’s people we embrace the teachings of the Apostles’ Creed. We embrace these teachings because we believe them. However, we believers can easily fall into the practice of treating the Creed as only a simple statement, a statement which we do not think about too deeply. We do not seek to understand the depths of its riches. Consequently, we do not grow in our faith. This fine volume on the Apostles’ Creed, replete with many Scripture references, will cause our faith and understanding of biblical truth to grow." Jerome Julien, emeritus minister in the United Reformed Churches in North America

    "Straight-forward, doctrinally tight, unwavering Reformed emphasis." Ben House (The Heavy-Laden Bookshelf)

    "Hoeksema’s robust defense of Reformed doctrines, particularly the sovereignty of God and salvation by grace alone, is strongly evident throughout the book. He challenges modern theological trends that he views as diverging from orthodox Reformed faith, such as Arminianism and liberalism, and reaffirms the authority of Scripture and the centrality of Christ in God’s eternal plan. This commitment to doctrinal purity is balanced by a pastoral concern, encouraging faithfulness and godliness. I Believe is a treasure trove of doctrinal, biblical, and practical wisdom. Herman Hoeksema’s sermons not only provide a clear exposition of the Creed but also offer practical applications relevant to contemporary Christian life." —Marc Daniel Rivera (KristiyaKnow)



    HERMAN HOEKSEMA (1886–1965) was a prolific writer who pastored churches in western Michigan. He also served as a professor at the Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan from its founding until his retirement in 1964.


    • 336 pages
    • ISBN 978-1-936054-67-1
    • Edited by Dr. Marco Barone


    Hardcover version available

    I Believe: Sermons on the Apostles' Creed

    Level Member Price $20.77


     Look inside the book

    The Apostles' Creed declares truths that transcend time and space, uniting all of Christ’s saints from past, present, and future.

    In the early- to mid-1950s, Herman Hoeksema delivered a series of radio sermons on each of the articles of the Apostles’ Creed, thereby presenting and explaining all of the foundational doctrines of the Christian faith. This collection of those sermons is therefore an excellent introduction to a Reformed understanding of the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith.

    But the sermons in this book are more than theological expositions of the doctrines of the Apostles’ Creed. Hoeksema offers insightful, practical applications that flow from the truths of the Creed. Both the Creed’s doctrines and practical implications are crucially important—not only to the individual Christian—but also to the church as a whole. By expounding the Apostles’ Creed, Hoeksema demonstrates that its truths are not empty propositions but living declarations pointing to the Christian’s only hope and comfort in life and death—the triune God and the Lord Jesus Christ. 

    Read reviews by Mitchell Dick (URC), Marc Daniel Rivera (KristiyaKnow), and Ben House (The Heavy-Laden Bookshelf).


    What others are saying about the book:

    "As God’s people we embrace the teachings of the Apostles’ Creed. We embrace these teachings because we believe them. However, we believers can easily fall into the practice of treating the Creed as only a simple statement, a statement which we do not think about too deeply. We do not seek to understand the depths of its riches. Consequently, we do not grow in our faith. This fine volume on the Apostles’ Creed, replete with many Scripture references, will cause our faith and understanding of biblical truth to grow." Jerome Julien, emeritus minister in the United Reformed Churches in North America

    "Straight-forward, doctrinally tight, unwavering Reformed emphasis." Ben House (The Heavy-Laden Bookshelf)

    "Hoeksema’s robust defense of Reformed doctrines, particularly the sovereignty of God and salvation by grace alone, is strongly evident throughout the book. He challenges modern theological trends that he views as diverging from orthodox Reformed faith, such as Arminianism and liberalism, and reaffirms the authority of Scripture and the centrality of Christ in God’s eternal plan. This commitment to doctrinal purity is balanced by a pastoral concern, encouraging faithfulness and godliness. I Believe is a treasure trove of doctrinal, biblical, and practical wisdom. Herman Hoeksema’s sermons not only provide a clear exposition of the Creed but also offer practical applications relevant to contemporary Christian life." —Marc Daniel Rivera (KristiyaKnow)


    HERMAN HOEKSEMA (1886–1965) was a prolific writer who pastored churches in western Michigan. He also served as a professor at the Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan from its founding until his retirement in 1964.

    • 336 pages
    • Hardcover
    • ISBN 978-1-936054-63-3
    • Edited by Dr. Marco Barone
    • Release date: June 2023


    eBook version available


    Interested in IBTW? Enjoy this FREE sample of the latest issue of our children's magazine. 

    To learn more, visit

    What others are saying about Ignited:

    "Another outstanding issue. Thank you for all the interesting and engaging content. Our son [2nd grade] loves our time together looking at and reading the magazine. We love all the different pages. Singing a song and so on. He loved the animals in the Bible page. The ones he didn't know, we looked up. Excellent pictures, too. So impressed with the variety. I never knew about the rooster either...Never will I look at them the same. This magazine is designed for our youth, but even middle age and older will enjoy." -Dawn H, California (about October 2023 issue, All Creatures Great and Small)


    Read review by Shannon Bylsma.


    *Please note that there is a limit of one free issue per customer.

    Fruit of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, The (audiobook)
    0 STOCK

    Level Member Price $5.00


    All RFPA audiobooks are temporarily unavailable for purchase. Please contact with any questions. Thanks for your patience!

     Listen to a sample

    This beautiful audiobook is the perfect gift for anyone, young or old. This book discusses the nine aspects of the fruit of the Spirit (found in Galatians 5:22, 23) that proceed from that fountain, Christ, and which by his Spirit he works in his saints. The author encourages branches of believers and their seed unto a life of good fruit-bearing.

    New author Richard J. Smit first wrote about the fruit of the Spirit in a series of articles that appeared in the Standard Bearer and now appear in listenable format in this new audiobook. 


    Richard J. Smit has been a minister in the Protestant Reformed churches since his ordination in 1996. He has served as a missionary to the Philippines twice, ministering for over a decade to the saints there. Fruit of the Spirit is his first book.


    • Length: 4 hrs
    • Narrated by: Chris Smart
    • audiobook

    Paperback version available

    Reformed Lord's Supper Form, The (eBook)

    Level Member Price $2.99


    The form itself was adopted by the Synod of Dordt (1618–19) as the authoritative form for the administration and celebration of the sacrament of the Supper by both the Reformed churches in the Netherlands and by Dutch-speaking churches in the tradition of Dordt elsewhere in the world. Over the years the form has been adopted, translated, and used by most—if not all—Reformed churches that stand in the tradition of Dordt.

    The Lord’s supper form, therefore, expresses the faith of orthodox, Reformed Christianity concerning the supper and all the rich implications of the supper for doctrine and life.


    Read reviews by Martyn McGeown (PRC), H. D. Schuringa and Dan Key!


    Bastiaan Wielenga was a minister of the word in the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands (GKN) in the early- to mid-1900s. He attended the Theological School in Kampen and earned his doctorate at the University of Heidelberg in 1899.


    • 426 pages
    • ISBN 978-1-936054-59-6


    Hardcover version available


    Other Books in this Series:

    Reformed Baptism Form (eBook)

    Reformed Lord's Supper Form, The

    Level Member Price $25.97


    Marvelously free of worldly Christmas sentiments, this meditation focuses on the great wonder of Christ's birth as a fulfillment of God's promise to save his people. In this beautiful devotional, the reader is led through the mysterious circumstances and events surrounding Jesus' birth to contemplate God's faithfulness.


    Read reviews by Martyn McGeown (PRC), H. D. Schuringa and Dan Key!


    Herman Hoeksema (HH) (1886-1965) was ordained into the ministry in the Christian Reformed Churches in 1915. He is considered one of the founding "fathers" of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He taught in the Seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches from its founding and until his retirement in 1964.


    • 206 pages
    • paperback
    • ISBN 978-1-936054-57-2
    • Release date: 1944, 1986
    Ten Commandments for Children, The Ten Commandments for Children, The

    Level Member Price $16.96



    This book teaches children...

    • what God’s law is: his ten words to his people
    • how we obey God's law: by loving him and our neighbor
    • why we keep God's law: to thank him for delivering us from our sin, to be assured that he has made us his children, and more

    This book explains and applies each commandment in two to three chapters, covering both what God forbids and requires. Chapters include discussion questions, a Bible memory verse, and a related psalm to be sung.


    Read reviews by Amanda DeBoer (Clarion), Judy Joyce (Embracing a Healthy Family), Abby VanSolkema (The Left Fork), Dawn Peluso (Schoolin' Swag), Vanessa Le (The Outlook), and Todd and Nicole Kooienga (The Grandville Gleaner)! Also, check out our feature on here!


    Ronald L. Cammenga is professor of dogmatics and Old Testament studies at the Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary in Wyoming, Michigan. Ten Commandments is his first children's book.

    Ana Sebastián is a digital illustrator and visual development artist based in Madrid, Spain. 


    • 63 pages
    • Hardcover
    • ISBN 978-0-916206-30-7
    • Release date: May 2023


    Find other Reformed children's books here.

    Find other New Releases here.

    Other books in the Doctrine for Children series: COMING SOON!


    eBook version available

    Life in the Covenant: in Family, Church, and World

    Level Member Price $19.47



    God said to Abraham, “I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee” (Gen. 17:7; cf. Lev. 26:12, Ezek. 37:27, Jer. 30:22). This covenant is the intimate relationship of fellowship he has chosen to share with his people in Jesus Christ. God has blessed his Old and New Testament church by way of the truth of the covenant even as he blessed Abraham.

    The truth of the covenant comforts us in distress, encourages us in our battle against our enemies, and gives strength when we are weak. We as believers must embrace the truth of God’s covenant by developing and nurturing a worldview that is rooted in the blessed relationship which our heavenly Father has made with us in Christ.

    With the heart of a pastor and the passion of a preacher, the author has written this book to help believers combat the threatening influences of both the world and our own sin upon the Christian home and church. As a practical exposition of the doctrine of God’s covenant, this volume will aid children of the covenant in directing their lives unto the triune God— in the family, among other saints, and as they live in the midst of an unbelieving world.


    Read reviews by Arend Haveman (PRCA) and Geoff Veldman (Grandville Gleaner). 


    Wilbur Bruinsma is a minister in the Protestant Reformed Churches. He has pastored four congregations, and he has also served as a domestic missionary in the United States and as a missionary to Jamaica. Rev. Bruinsma and his wife have been blessed with five children and many grandchildren.


    • 189 pages
    • Hardcover
    • ISBN: 978-0-916206-46-8
    • Release date: February 2023
    Church's Hope: The Reformed Doctrine of the End - Vol. 2, The Coming of Christ (eBook)

    Level Member Price $2.99



    The Christian’s hope is the visible, bodily, glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ on the clouds of heaven with the resurrection of the Christian’s body, the public vindication of the Christian at the last judgment, and the enjoyment of the glories of the new creation. In the Reformed Doctrine of the End series, the author writes on eschatology in service of the church’s hope. As Engelsma demonstrates, the last things—centrally the coming of Christ—are the purpose and goal of all the revelation of God in scripture, from beginning to end. This book will encourage the Christian as he heeds Christ’s instruction regarding that coming: “Gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:13).

    In this 2nd volume, the reader learns that the truth central to all eschatology is the second coming of Jesus Christ itself - what the Greek of the New Testament promises as the parousia, literally the presence (of Jesus Christ). All other aspects of the biblical doctrine of the coming of Jesus are subordinate to this coming, either leading to it, accompanying it, or proceeding from it. Therefore, the proper subtitle of this second volume is The Coming of Christ

    The coming of Christ Jesus, with all that is related to it, will be the “end.” Such is Jesus’ own description of his coming in Matthew 24:14: “And then shall the end come,” which might be paraphrased, “And then shall the goal be reached.” The coming of Christ, with all that precedes and follows, is the goal of God, not only with the events of the last days but also of all history. All the events belonging strictly to the last things, all the history of the New Testament church, all the history of the world beginning with its creation, and all the doctrines of the Christian faith have the coming, or presence, of Jesus Christ as their goal. 

    This is the importance of the content of this volume. This is why the outstanding promise of the gospel is that uttered by Jesus himself: “I come quickly” (Rev. 22:12). And this is why the fundamental prayer of the church is, in response, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus” (Rev. 22:20).

    Read reviews by Justin Smidstra (PRCA), Mitchell Dixon (Presbyterion, Covenant Theological Seminary).


    David J. Engelsma served as minister to several Protestant Reformed congregations until he was appointed to the Protestant Reformed Seminary in 1988 as professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament studies. He also served as editor of the "Standard Bearer" from 1988-2002. Prof. Engelsma has lectured and preached throughout the British Isles on behalf of the British Reformed Fellowship, which is devoted to the spread and defense of the Reformed faith in the United Kingdom. He lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with his wife and is the father of 9 children. He has authored many RFPA books.


    • 192 pages
    • ISBN 978-1-7368154-3-4

    Softcover version available



    The Church's Hope: The Reformed Doctrine of the End - Vol. 1, The Millennium (eBook)

    Say Among the Heathen the Lord Reigns (eBook)

    Level Member Price $2.99


    Rev. Jason Kortering (1936–2020) was a minister in the Protestant Reformed Churches. From 1992–2006, he and his wife, Jean, were called to missionary labors in Singapore, India, and Myanmar. Say Among the Heathen the Lord Reigns is Jean’s account of those years. The recollections and stories in this book will direct your heart to the Son of God who gathers, defends, and preserves to himself an elect church out of all nations, kindreds, peoples, and tongues.

    Our living in Singapore and other foreign countries for 10+ years was a great blessing for the whole family. Though children and grandchildren gave up their parents and grandparents for the Lord’s work, and we were separated from each other for a while, God remained our constant. He reigns. He reigns over the whole earth and we rejoice. He reigns over the multitude of isles and they are glad (Ps. 97). He rules in America and he rules across the globe. We were separated by many, many miles but we were so close because we worshiped and served the same God. He is supremely sovereign and yet gentle and caring in his love for his people. It was our privilege many years ago to share that truth in a heathen culture.” — Jean Kortering, July 2022


    Read reviews by Ellen Kamps and Daniel Holstege (PRCA).


    • 368 pages
    • ISBN 978-1-7368154-5-8


    Paperback version available

    Ecclesiastes (eBook)

    Level Member Price $2.99


    In his preaching and teaching, the Lord Jesus Christ does not quote directly from the book of Ecclesiastes. Jesus, rather, takes up the truth and concepts found in that book and expands on them in many of his parables. As such, the teachings of Ecclesiastes are part of the fabric of the gospel. The book undergirds the knowledge of the world as it is fallen in sin under God’s judgment. The world can afford us no salvation; man cannot deliver himself from bondage; under the sun the works of men do not profit; salvation, which is from above, is a work of God alone; God must enter into our misery in the person of his only begotten Son to save and redeem us. Under the sun, deliverance is not to be found, only vanity and death. Ecclesiastes points to the need for the work of God’s grace—in Christ, the true Savior—as the only solution to the fallen world and its vanity.


    Read reviews by H. D. Schuringa (Christian Renewal), Marc Daniel Rivera (KristiyaKnow), Ryan Barnhill (PRCA), Stephen Regnerus (PRCA), and Richard Alan Fuhr Jr (JETS)!


    Thomas Miersma is minister emeritus in the Protestant Reformed Churches. During his ministry (1982–2017) he pastored two churches in Canada. He also labored in the United States for many years as Western Home Missionary.


    • 246 pages
    • ISBN 978-1-7368154-7-2


    Hardcover version available

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